
We celebrated Jack's birthday, he is ten. In his mind, Jack is still a puppy, although with slightly less subtle joints... just like his humans (those over 50). For his birthday, he got a special meal, which he loved. It was a dog version of steak tartare, essentially a pad of minced beef with a raw egg. I doubt he cared much about Richard and I sing happy birthday.... but he enjoyed his delicious treat. He also got to clean the cat food bowl, which he loves very much. Lupin often leaves a morsel or two behind, preferring just to eat the jelly on the little lumps of meat. Lupin's food is out of Jack's reach and he checks daily if some kind soul has placed the bowl on the ground for him to clean. 

Ever since his birthday, Jack has been looking at his food bowl longingly but meals have returned to boring old kibble. 

Jack had his routine vaccinations last week and had his annual health check. All good except some arthritis in his back leg, for which was prescribed an anti-inflammatory. The vet commented on his excellent tooth hygiene, for which we can take no credit. He does chew a lot on sticks, which probably helps. 

Thank you for AC over on his blog to explain how to change the dimension of videos, I have tried this and I hope you can see all of Jack doing his little excited food dance. 

There was a second celebratory moment in our house, although just for the adults in the house: schools were back on Wednesday last week. I was so sick of seeing bored teenagers! James managed to get in trouble with the pastoral care team after just one day... but that's something for another post, I don't want to spoil your joy of watching Jack being all excited. 

Have a lovely week 😊


  1. Good for Jack, and I'm glad the video thing worked.

  2. AwakenedSoul: How nice for Jack to have such a delicious birthday meal. It must be hard to go back to kibble.

  3. A cute video and very belated birthday greetings to Jack and he certainly did enjoy his special treat and managed to be very patient during the singing, even if he didn't really care as much as for the food. Good to read that he is doing well aside from the arthritis which also affects we humans at some point. But, like Jack, we keep on going.

  4. Happy Birthday, Jack! I expect it's incredibly disappointing having to revert back to kibble, after enjoying such delicacy. Xx

  5. Awe Happy Birthday to Jack!! He's such a handsome little guy. And he thoroughly enjoyed his special birthday dinner! School starts back for my daughter in two weeks and we are ready. You are right! Kids get very bored by the end of summer break.

  6. Late to the game but try sodium percarbonate with boiling water for the teeshirt - soak until it’s gone cold then - importantly- dry down garment in sun. I know, i know… UK.. but it might well so the trick. You could wash it then after that.

  7. That is indeed a fantastic birthday meal, Bertie would be beside himself, and not nearly as restrained when eating it. Eggs are just about his favourite thing. I know what you mean about school. Mine have been off since exams ended in mid-June. CJ xx


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