Sunday musings

I'll try and post more often again, now that I am back in the swing of things.

My week of ballet was fabulous, I learned a lot and made some progress. Every day, we focused on a different aspect, for example posture or arms. We also worked on a short dance from Don Quixote, which was so much fun. It was a very joyful energetic dance. On Friday, after the final class, we went to our local cafe, together with our teacher and pianist to celebrate a successful and fun week of dancing. It was nice to go to bed with a pleasantly tired body. 

I also wanted to provide an update on my stick-on gel nail polish. Skip this section if you are not interested in manicures! I use the brand Glaize but there are other companies, too. My first set lasted for a week. The gels started to lift at the tips, which annoyed me (although easy to smooth down). I had found trimming the excess length difficult and for my next set, I replaced my blunt nail clippers with a new one, which made trimming easier. I got bored with them after a six days but by then I already had to push the tips down. Removal is so easy! My third set was the worst yet. Although I followed the instructions carefully, the gel wraps didn't last more than three days. This set slipped forward, making it necessary to trim the excess. A bit like a glacier moves over the landscape! I emailed the company with photographs and hope to get a response, maybe a refund. Still I love the ease of stick-ons and they look beautiful for a couple of days but they don't last the 2 weeks promised, that's for sure. So maybe a good solution for the days I want to have nicely manicured hands without the damage that a salon gel manicure does. 

I was glad to read in your comments that I was not the only one that found Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver tedious and definitely too long. She is a much celebrated author and I feel a bit bad for being the one bringing the five star rating down. I just don't feel engaged by her storytelling. I felt more engaged with a book by Caro Ramsay, an author I love very much. She has previously written the police procedural series featuring DI Anderson and DS Costello. I loved that series, it is set in Glasgow, in my neck of the woods. I also had the pleasure to study for a Diploma in Forensic Medical Sciences in the same class as Caro Ramsay. That was a long time ago, in a previous life. Anyway, her new series featuring DCI Christine Caplan is also very good. That said, I was so used to the first series being read by a distinctly Scottish voice that I felt cheated by the narrator of the new series narrating in a plain old English accent, only using a Scottish accent for conversations. Narrators make or break a story, for sure. I do sometimes choose books by narrator, not author. 

I started listening to Women's Hour on BBC Radio Four again. I go out of the habit of listening when the presenter Jane Garvey left for Times Radio and was replaced by Emma Barnett, who is too aggressive in her interview techniques for my liking, more suitable for other types of radio programmes. She often seemed keen to "catch people out" and had a habit of interrupting. I feel more in tune with the current presenters, Anita Rani and Nuala McGovern and have added Women's Hour back to my playlist. Do you have favourite radio programmes and presenters? I now listen to Jane Garvey and Fi Clover's Off Air podcast on Times Radio. They used to run the podcast Fortunately on the BBC but left the corporation a few years ago. I really like their conversations but I often skip the interviews section, which essentially is part of the publishing marketing circus for well-known authors, celebrities with new biographies and podcasters. I am also conflicted about listening because The Times is part of the Rupert Murdoch empire and has a centre right political stance. That man is just loathsome. It is difficult to live up to my own principles! 

I haven't read any blogs in two weeks. I feel like I am neglecting old friends. I'll try and catch-up. In the meantime, thank you for staying around even if the conversation is one-sided. I love to hear from you 😊


  1. "I feel a bit bad for being the one bringing the five star rating down." I agree with it not living up to the hype this time.

  2. I read a couple newspapers that are very much to the right of my views - need to know what the opposition is up to! Your hydrangea pictures are lovely.


  3. Sue mostly reads vie audio, and she also gets picky about the narrator. Yours is one of the accounts I can’t log into on my tablet. /AC

  4. Interrupting on podcasts really annoys me. It sounds like your dancing experience was really fun. I used to love the endorphin rush we got after ballet class. Those were the days...

  5. We all fall behind with blogging, myself included, so you are definitely not alone in that area. I was interested in your comments about author Caro Ramsay, as I enjoy police procedurals, but most likely will not find any of her books in our U.S. library, but will let you know any results. Glad to read that the ballet classes have been rewarding.

  6. Surprisingly, I found a single book, The Devil Stone, by Caro Ramsey and so have placed it on my wish list when it becomes available...and I have the time to read it as well.

  7. It's lovely to see a post from you, Christina. I've also been behind with my blog reading (and posting) until recently.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your week of ballet. There is something quite wonderful about being physically tired, as opposed to feeling mentally drained isn't there. Especially when it is from doing something you love so much.
    Thank you for the update regarding your stick-on nail polish. I'm not sure I will give them a try now :)

  8. You shouldn't feel obligated, imo. I don't feel neglected. Just enjoy your life.

  9. Gorgeous hydrangeas, they are obviously loving the summer weather. I don't like unnecessarily aggressive interviewers either, or interruptions when someone is trying to say something interesting. REALLY annoying. I loved Demon Copperhead so much, but I often don't like a book that everyone else seems to like, so I know what you mean. Glad you had a lovely holiday in Cornwall, I am just catching up with posts as well. CJ xx

  10. Beautiful flowers. It's good to catch up with you again. Sadly my blog has been neglected too. Lots of things to deal with that left me exhausted. Hoping to get back to blogging soon. Cx


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