Sunday scaries
I am really happy to be back to volunteering. It makes me happy and provides free strength training. We are still clearing up storm damage but next time, we‘ll be fixing and expanding the fence around the newt pond, and we’ll expand the area to create a wet meadow. That‘s the plan anyway. So much litter to pick up, too. Mostly dog poo bags. Thrown by the kind human that sees themselves excempt from the normal conventions that make a community thrive. The kind of person that that shouts “ Nobody can tell me what to do and if want to throw poo bags into the woods, I will and you can’t stop me”. Someone else can pick the s**t up after them. And we do. I found another Finnish crime drama to watch, aptly named Helsinki Crimes. I love watching in original language, even if I don't understand a word. The annoying thing about finding a new TV drama is that without fail, there is a second season, sometimes a third one, on a different viewing platform, which of course requires a separate su...