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January routines

It was very cold here in Glasgow. Daytime temperatures are hovering around freezing, with the nights being colder. Bingham’s Pond is frozen over, with the exception of small section where the ducks have taken refuge. I survived my first week back at work. I am behind with developing a new course which starts in six weeks and I made sure to get cracking with this. Although I am guided by paedagogy and best practice of course design, I find that in the end, my lectures grow organically and I can’t rush this process. Most of my learning weeks are structured around a lecture, which forms the basis for more active learning activities. I had to spend a bit of time on updating a course that I didn’t expect to run. Alas, I will, for a grand total of two students. I finished the week by scheduling welcome messages and guidance messages for the first week of learning. Sam recently rebuilt Annie’s old laptop for the teens to share. This means they no longer use our prehistoric desktop computer, w...

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