It’s been a while
I have not posted in a while. I am just so tired. I want to apologise to all of my many favourite bloggers that I have been absent in your space, or have not commented. I know how much we all value comments and interaction. Things are trundling along just fine, on the whole. I finished planning, writing and recording another lecture. That’s 3 of 5, I am calling it a win. The first one is up on the virtual learning environment (VLE) for my brand new course, which starts on Monday. My e-learning specialist colleague made nice story from my slides, recording and transcript. I spent so much time making my slides fully accessible, with detailed alt-text descriptions for all figures, a clearly defined reading order and consistent formatting etc etc but it is so worth it because I know that students with disabilities, for example visual or hearing impairments, or students with dyslexia as as well as neurodiverse students are able enjoy my teaching as much all other students. This is a le...