My year in socks - patterns

My creative project for the year 2014 was to make a pair of socks every month. Why you might wonder? Find out here. To view and download the patterns, click on the caption below each photo. 

The links have been updated in November 2022. Please let me know if you can't view the pdf files.

I have not asked anyone to test knit my patterns and you might well find a mistake. If you do, please let me know.

December - Celtic cable

November - twined leaves

October - variations on a theme

September - zigzag lace sock

August - ridged feather sock

July - summer sock

June - twin spiral sock

May - mind the gap sock

April - horseshoe lace sock

March - Ensign's braid sock

February - a simple cable sock

January -  no nonsense sock


  1. Wow! Wonderful sock patterns, thank you for sharing! I'm a sock knitter too so totally understand how addictive it can be - I'm usually thinking about the next pattern long before I've finished the current pair of socks :-) xx

  2. Very impressive. I'm knitting a sock right now but am a basic beginner in sock knitting.

  3. I have made three pairs from these so far. Simple, skinny cable and a leaf design. All easy to read. Jo x

  4. Wow! Just beautiful. I love all those patterns.

  5. These sock patterns are so lovely! If novelty socks are your thing, The Best Novelty Socks come in a collection of playful designs to inject a little fun into your look. Not only are novelty socks practical to keep for yourself, but they also make great presents too. They are perfect to step out with for any sock enthusiast as they are comfortable and very durable.


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