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join me for a week of pottering

I mentioned previously that I have a lot of annual leave left to take in a short time. We are not encouraged to take time off during term but the beauty of running online programmes is that my learning resources are ready well ahead of time and all communication coming from me can be written and scheduled on our online learning environment. I usually keep on top of urgent messages but I also have a couple of colleagues that can pick up the slack. I return the favour of course. I got leave approved and here I am, at the end of a joyful relaxing week at home.  Let's start with Sunday, a quiet day with a dog walk and a late family lunch with Sammy, whom I haven't seen for a while. I always enjoy the company of my older children when they visit and this occasion was no exception. Sam is excited about exchanging contracts for his rented flat, which the landlord to sell. It is not in a great shape but having lived in it for two years, Sam knows what he is getting. The flat is a good

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