therapeutic shopping

Yesterday, I was helping out at Science Week, trying to get school children exited about science. There were some fairly challenging children in my group and I was frazzled and tired. I am glad I am not a primary school teacher! As I was walking along the lanes towards the car I passed Nancy Smilie' s shop. The shop stocks some furniture, lots of jewellery, kitchen bits and pieces and other homely things like light chains and cushions. In short, everything my heart could wish for on a tired Friday afternoon. I remembered a voucher for the shop that I received as part of a leaving present from my former colleagues and even better, it was in my handbag. A sign surely.

I spent a good 30 minutes browsing and adding numbers up in my head (a particular weakness of mine). I came away with a little heart shaped box, a jewellery box, 6 wine glasses and 2 champagne glasses. Because we really needed more glasses. Not. Best of all? I still have Ā£30 pounds to spend another day!

I really like garden birds at the moment. I don't need a jewellery box and I don't need a little heart shaped tin box either but both are good for my morale.
We have an old cabinet in the living room, I think it is maybe about 200 years old and I love it. In it we keep our eclectic mix of spirits, glasses and stuff for which there is no other place. There was really no free space for more glasses. Unless I could muster the energy to clear out the clutter on one of the display shelves. So, this afternoon, I sent the big ones off to the Science Centre with Scouts, encouraged the little ones to play the Wii and started the task of finding new places for the assorted junk, which included (but is not limited to) several sets of headphones, multiple cables, several old phones, essential oils, batteries, hair clips, 3 exercise DVD's an external hard drive, a toy hovercraft engine and 3 old cameras including chargers.
It was quite a satisfying job and at the end of it, I had an extra shelf to store my new ribbed wine glasses and even cups and saucers from my mum and dad's wedding China set, which had been stashed away in a drawer below.
Because I didn't quite treat myself enough with lovely things, I bought a bottle of Frangelico to add to the collection of spirits. Not just at a whim of course, but because I want to bake a batch of Thomasina Tittlemouse's hazelnut shortbread next week. I hid it behind the gin but Richard spotted it anyway.
I might just have a little glass now to make sure it tastes ok. Have a lovely weekend! Cx
P.S. Thank you for your lovely comments on "on cooking", I have come to understand that routine cooking is a drag for most people, at least sometimes.


  1. I love everything you bought for yourself. The cabinet looks beautiful all arranged. The china is so pretty, with the red print on it. I love old china. I just bought a little plate in a thrift shop yesterday for myself, 69 cents! Shocking expenditure. :)

    1. The cabinet will soon look messy again. Sigh! I am always on the lookout for china, too.

  2. That's a beautiful cabinet & I'm like you, always looking for pretty glasses or china even though we don't need any!

  3. What a lovely cabinet and beautiful china. The ribbed wine glasses are a good find, it sounds like a wonderful shop. I hope you and yours enjoy the rest of the weekend. CJ xx

  4. A little therapeutic shopping never hurt anyone. I have been known to indulge in that kind of therapy myself on occasion, although with me it is online yarn shops. Nice purchases, and I like your cabinet arrangement. It will make you happy every time you look at it!

    1. I would normally shop for yarn, too but I had vouchers for a completely yarn free shop. A new experience I suppose.

  5. What sweet things you bought ... I'd have fallen for the birdy boxes too, and the glasses. There are some gorgeous vintage glasses to be had on ebay ... I have to be very strict with myself!

  6. I love therapeutic shopping. Whoever said spending money doesn't bring happiness was wrong. It can be the best medicine, when controlled slightly! xx

    1. Best of all, I didn't spend any money, just gift vouchers!

  7. It was definitely a sign!! What lovely things you have found. And displayed so beautifully.

  8. Don't you just love spending money, especially other people's money? It does the soul good to do something just for yourself every so often. I quite agree about your teacher comment, they are saints for sure.

  9. I love china. The cups look like the perfect size, not too big or small xo

  10. Hey Christina,

    I love a gift voucher. I had some gardening vouchers from my Mum for my birthdy at the end of last month. The perfect excuse to buy a frippary (if I ever needed one). I adore your cabinet. I would love a display cabinet with glass doors to display my bits and bobs. And quite frankly I feel that we all deserve a little something birdy every once in a while.

    Leanne xx

    1. We inherited the cabinet. At the time, I really didn't like it, I was all Ikea and pale wood. Now, I wish we had another one! Funny how tastes change and only old age (I wouldn't dare say maturity) made me appreciate the beautiful furniture we have. I hope you spent your voucher on something you love. Cx


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