Thankful Tuesday on a Wednesday

Every week, I enjoy Katie's Thankful Tuesday posts and I have been meaning to write my own Thankful Tuesday post. There is so much to be thankful for and so many opportunities are missed to express our gratitude.

Today I am thankful for a dinner cooked by my wonderful 11 year old daughter, Annie. She did the planning and shopping on Monday with Richard. She cooked it without any help whilst James, Alistair and I walked Jack. It was ready to eat early before the usual  Wednesday rush to meet Sam halfway between school and home to take James to swimming lessons at school. She kept some back for Sam to eat later. She is a star.

I am also thankful for Sam's help. He walks James to swimming lessons every Wednesday during term. He does so after an extended school day and swimming club. He helps James to change into his trunks and back into his clothes. He does his homework during the wait. He is a star.

Just to put things into perspective and to assure you that both Sam and Annie are perfectly normal children: I had barely arrived at work this morning when Sam called, accusing Annie of breaking his expensive prescription swimming goggles. Annie was screaming like a banshee in the background and I could nearly feel the front door vibrate when she stormed out and slammed the door to go to school. Both were late. And no, the goggles are not broken.
And yes, I do leave them home alone for 40 min before school so I can get to work in time (the little ones go to breakfast club at school, Richard leaves early).

So, what are you thankful for? Why not pop over to Katie's at Life with the Crew to see her Thankful Tuesday post?

Have a lovely evening. Cx


  1. I love the way you write about your children Christina, it makes me laugh in recognition, my boys are just the same, all smiles one minute, and tearing each other limb from limb the next. X

  2. My 3 are just the same, love each other fiercely, always the first to lash out at each other though !!
    I am grateful for good friends, both in the real world and blog land :)

  3. Christina - I am so glad that you joined Thankful Tuesday! And thankfulness for children maturing (even if just a bit) is a wonderful thing - especially if it makes your life easier! :)

  4. Wow, it sounds like you have a really good routine going. It's great when everyone pitches in and helps out. Bell is 14 now and is a huge help to me around the house. Even with an 8 year age gap between her and Tom, they still fight though. They are terrible in the morning. I've banned them from using the bathroom at the same time, teeth brushing always turned into a shoving and pushing match! xo

  5. Great post, it brings back such happy memories of my own daughters when they were younger. They are now grown up and have families of their own to which I am very thankful.

  6. Lovely things to be thankful for. There are large things and small things, but somehow, I think that it is the small ones that matter most. xx

  7. It all sounds wonderfully familiar, Christina! Today I am thankful for Seventies funk and soul music. I have been playing it for the past hour and it has lifted my spirits immeasurably.
    Leanne xx

  8. I remember being the girl who made dinner because my mother worked night shifts as a nursing sister. I like cooking and baking so it was the start of a life-long enjoyment of this sort of thing. I have so many things to be thankful for that I couldn't list them all - it would take too long. One very important thing that I'm thankful for is that what could have been a terrible road traffic accident was averted. I'll be blogging about it soon - probably tomorrow.

  9. I'm thankful for my husband who makes me coffee every morning and always looks for ways to make my life easier.
    I'm thankful for my daughter who believed enough in her dream that she followed her heart to Japan and has been there since April.

  10. I think they sound like perfectly normal kids - a mix of wonderful and challenging. You have so much to be thankful for and you're doing an excellent job with all of your children.

  11. They sound perfectly normal to me, a mix of great stuff and not so great. I'm thankful that my adult son's girlfriend has finally persuaded him that vegetables are good! Growing up he only ever liked carrots and cucumber!

  12. I would be super thankful for that dinner. I am thankful also that my bloke has started to chip in with cooking dinner by just feeling the empathy in the house now that I am at work. A sigh of gratitude. Jo x

  13. I'd be very thankful if someone else cooked the dinner too. I try to be thankful that my firstborn tries to look after his two younger sisters even though they don't appreciate it sometimes x


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