glimpses of our Easter weekend

:: tidying the garden with my mum on Saturday

:: marveling at the many new shoots and plants that have made an appearance lately

:: long walks every day with Jack and assorted children, and my mum 

:: eating lovely food all weekend

:: sorting through children's shoe boxes to see what does still fit (and making a list for essential purchases)

:: drifting in and out of wakefulness on Sunday morning, hearing the exited whispers from downstairs: little boys trying to find their one (and only) big chocolate egg

:: drinking coffee in the garden, and work on the dreaded ripple blanket

:: feeling the warmth of the sun on my back

:: smelling sun dried laundry

:: arguing with Annie who has a profound misunderstanding of the meaning of 'chore'. She shouts even louder than I do.

:: wondering why Sam thinks it is ok to smear margarine on Annie's face? 

:: observing the same girl a few hours later, playing wonderfully with her little brothers.

:: sleeping with an open window for the first time this year

:: eating egg mayonnaise roll with the first chives of the year

:: keeping a reluctant Jack on the lead whilst the younger offspring is finding chocolate eggs Sam has hidden in the garden. 

:: successfully installing an invisible zip in  a dress I am making for Annie. It took a while but it is truly invisible. Who would have thought?

:: thinking about a new knitting project

How was your Easter weekend so far?


  1. Sounds overall pretty good! Well done on the zip!! Happy Easter! xx

  2. Sounds wonderful, margarine notwithstanding. Your garden is looking delightful. I had the back door open this evening for quite a while, it was lovely. Enjoy the rest of the Easter break Christina. CJ xx

  3. Sounds like a good family weekend, what could be better? Hope the rest of Easter is as good.

  4. Happy Easter Christina, ours has been mainly food -based, with a lovely long lunch today,and chocolate eaten with abandon at all times of the day and evening. Your garden is looking very healthy and ready to burst in to bloom. X

  5. That sounds like a full and fun Easter. Impressed about the zip as I haven't tried an invisible anything yet with my sewing machine. Lovely to see your garden awakening from winter.

  6. sounds wonderful, and maybe margarine will be the next new face pack miracle. I'd be thrilled with any kind of zip let alone an invisible one.

  7. Sounds like a good weekend. Ours has involved lots of food, family and walks!

  8. Well done on the zip! It's sounds like a lively Easter weekend! Amazing isn't it, how children can be scrapping one minute and bosom buddies the next? My girls are in the grip of a Hama bead obsession this weekend, my son is outside playing footie on the street whilst A and I are doing some decorating. I will have to escape into then garden in a bit, it's a lovely day. I hope the sun is shining in Glasgow today xx

  9. I love the margarine bit, kids are funny aren't they? Your weekend sounds so lovely. I bet the little ones were excited about Easter and finding their chocolate egg.
    Hugs to you,

  10. Love the flower close-ups! What interesting textures and shapes. That brain looking one is great!

  11. Hi Christina, what a lovely weekend for you. Your garden pictures are lovely. You seem to have so many interesting plants in your garden which we do not have here.

  12. Sounds like a nice weekend. We've enjoyed our garden too. Easter was nice, the only thing missing was our daughter who alas, now lives in Japan.

  13. Invisible zip? get you. Well done Chris. They are not for the novice but the more you do the better you get. Great post. Happy Easter Jo x

  14. It sounds like the perfect Easter weekend, Christina! And you've reminded me that my chives are ready to eat. Have a great week!

  15. It sounds like you've had a wonderful weekend with your family. The weather has been beautiful here for the last two days, it's been lovely to get some time in the garden after the dull, drizzly and windy days we've been having just lately. Looking forward to hearing about your new knitting project.

  16. You've had a real Spring weekend. It's great to get the windows open!

  17. Hey Christina,
    I loved this post and the photographs. A real slice of life. And how lovely to have your Mum visiting.
    Leanne xx

  18. Hi Christina. Your Easter weekend sounds wonderful- gardening, sunshine, walks, crafting, eating delicious food. Thanks for your visit over at mine and for your well wishes. I'll take a photo of the Garment of Suffering next time we're in church. Enjoy the rest of your week! X

  19. I love glimpses of other people's everyday lives. They're my favorite thing about blogs. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy the rest of the time with your mum visiting, how nice to have her there. Take care and have a good week.

  20. Sounds like a busy Easter weekend, ours seemed to fly by, but it was nice to see some sunshine towards the end of the Easter break. Have a wonderful week. Jane xx

  21. It just sounds wonderful, life with children and the simple pleasure of a open window...
    Amanda xx


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