it is Friday again

I really look forward to Fridays. For me, it marks the end of a busy working week. It is only Friday morning but already, I feel more relaxed because I know tomorrow the alarm clock will not wake me up at 6:30 am. It is nice to wind down for the weekend. I look forward to pottering around in my pj's for a long while, having cups of coffee and maybe something naughty for breakfast, for example salty fried bacon in a roll.

I feel less tired than usual on a Friday and have some energy to reflect back over the week just passed. Five paragraphs for five memorable things, also shared on Amy's Five on Friday page.

The weather has been amazing all week. There was not a single drop of rain and most days the sun was out, full of promise of things to come. Some days it took a while to break through the mist. It was particularly nice to cycle to work this week. The mist quietens everything down and cycling through the woods is very peaceful. I cycled a different route on Tuesday and found the most amazing blue snowdrops. Did you know that such a thing existed, and in the wild, too? This find nicely continues the blue theme of my last post. Today, I have my trowel in my bike basket to dig a few plants up. There are so many, two or three plants won't go amiss.

On Monday, I took the James and Alistair for a walk along the Kelvin. We found a little safe beach and I enjoyed watching the boys throwing stones into the shallow water. Jack enjoyed it, too. I felt tempted to wade in but I didn't want to destroy the illusion of summer by standing in ice cold water.

On Monday we also welcomed Richard back. It is always nice to be reunited after a few days apart. Richard enjoyed his cycling holiday in Majorca very much and I don't think he was all that exited to be back so soon. He brought me two big juicy oranges. They were so good, I wish there were more.

My mum was here until Wednesday. She was keen to learn how to make soap. I always make my own and usually give some away to friends and family. We made a batch of English Rose scented white and pink marbled soap together. It was fun. I think my mum was surprised to learn that soap is made with sodium hydroxide, more so that I just happen to have some in my understairs cupboard

I had my biannual haircut yesterday. I don't know about you but I think hair salons have got special mirrors that make you look frumpy even if you are not. Or at least only a little. I thought today that maybe I should have my hair cut three times per year. I fell quite coiffed for once. This photo shows my new hairdo after a cycle home against a stiff breeze. I am also a little sunburnt. I have a fringe now but I do like my hair clips. Of course tomorrow my hair will be back to its wavy self. Taking selfies is not trivial, particularly with a sniggering teenager nearby. It is difficult not to feel self conscious. Best to think of something really really silly, like bottling farts for masspectrometric analysis.

There you go, five paragraphs, five good things. I am now looking forward to catching up with my friend Karen who is visiting Glasgow this weekend.

Just before I sign off: welcome to my new followers, it is nice to see you here and to read your comments! I hope you like it here.

Have a wonderful weekend. Cxx 

P.S. Remember that cerulean blue I wrote about? Well I ordered the cerualean blue yarn. I am dismayed to say that it is nothing like the yarn on the photograph. Sam says it is definitely teal, which in my book makes it a green. Still, it is nice.


  1. Lovely hair cut and I completely agree about mirrors in hair salons. The river looks fab! I bet the children loved it and the weather has been so great this week. I laughed at the thought of your mum being surprised that you just happen to have Sodium Hydroxide in your under stairs cupboard. Have a love weekend x

  2. Bottling farts! that made me roar with laughter! I too despise sitting in front of those mirrors and do it as seldom as I can. The blue of the plants is so string and stunning. Looks like you did indeed have a good week x

  3. Definitely agree with hairdressers mirrors, I have to force myself to go in for quarterly visits! The weather has been lovely hasn't it, although it is looking cloudy here rather than sunny at present. Hope you have a lovely peaceful weekend x

  4. You've really made me smile this week. Bottled farts, sodium hydroxide kept under the stairs (doesn't everyone do that?!), icy cold water - it's been a good week! I think the little blue snowdrops are a variety of Scilla, and I could imagine that teal would be a colour that would suit you very well xx

  5. How is it that after all of those lovely things all I am thinking about is the fart bottling and wondering if that is something many scientist have got up to!!!! The blue flowers are beautiful aren't they and are the kind of colour I imagined your yarn would be, so it is a shame that it is not the colour you hoped for! Hope you enjoyed your soap making with your Mum!! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend - and a lay in! xx

  6. Hi Christina, love the haircut, you are brave doing selfies, I am too self conscious and can't work up to a smile, more of a grimace, but you look so nice and friendly in yours. Are the blue snowdrops bluebells? Found in damp shady woodland about this time of year through to May. Very pretty they are too. Have a lovely weekend! x

  7. Russian snowdrops in a Scottish wood now there's a thing I should dig em all up and bin em before they take over from our beautiful native ones! Pretty as they are.....

    You are braver than me with your selfie :). Have a lovely weekend.

  8. I had no idea snowdrops could be blue, must look for some. Looks like you had a beautiful week, it's too hot here already, I'm afraid we've skipped spring and jumped into summer. I'd love to make some soap, my daughter made some for me one Christmas and I loved it.

  9. I've never heard of blue snowdrops before! We've had much the same weather all week here... I've got a sunburnt head :( I'm not too good with sunshine!

  10. Hello, I loved reading your blog and seeing your pictures. I'm signing up to follow since I see you knit and crochet; my favorite addictions!

  11. Lovely pictures! Snowdrops or Chionodoxa?
    Good luck with them in your garden. I have such too, the stay more and more in every spring...
    Have a nice weekend

  12. those blue flowers are beautiful, such a vibrant colour

  13. I'm glad that someone else doesn't go that frequently for haircuts - it seems like most people have no problem dropping $50 for a haircut every couple of months. So nice that you could make soap with your Mom - what a fun thing to do together.

  14. A lovely post that gave me a good few giggles! Thanks for brightening my Friday :-)
    And well done for taking a fab selfie too, I'm hopeless at it. Have a happy weekend,

  15. Your hair is so cute! I have mine cut 4-5 times a year, at a place that does it for about $10. You can't expect much from such a haircut, but it's good enough for me. I'm glad you've had a good week, the weather looks beautiful!

  16. Gosh I must be high maintenance, I'm always getting my hair cut, I have unruly curls that need to be tamed - otherwise I look like a mad professor! Love the bluebells, sounds like a lovely cycle route to work, and the spot by the river looks gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend.

  17. five lovely things indeed. enjoy your pj pottering, I am planning on exactly the same thing! love your hair cut, I am totally with you on the frumpy mirrors, which could be why I haven't had a proper hair cut for 5 years, really really need to face the fear and get almost all of it chopped off.....

  18. I'm glad you like your new hair cut. You look great! Those bluebells are beautiful. Wish I can find them growing wild around here too. I'd take some home to plant too. Hope you're enjoying your weekend! X

  19. Your post has a zen feel with the image of you cycling through the woods with the blue snowdrops, playing with the kids at the waters edge with your new locks blowing in the warm spring air, smelling sweeting as an Englishh rose does - even if you live in Scotland....making soap with your Mum, then you hit the bottling farts bit, straight after the trowel to ermmm you know what and Right That's It! I'm your latest follower and will have all future posts straight to my in-box!
    Great to have found you through Five On Friday!
    Wren x

  20. Lovely haircut. I hate going to the hairdressers, I only go a couple of times a year and even then I have a wet trim and hotfoot it home to dry it myself. The less time I spend there the better. It's been a fabulous week weather wise but the high winds and cold temperatures are back again now.

  21. Your haircut looks fantastic and I am sure it will look great when it returns to waves, wind and the effects of children running all over. Glad the sun was out, husband had a good break and that you had time to spend with your Mum.

  22. I love the haircut! I also have a biannual cut, I do love it when it involves a change, it feels like a fresh start :) I had no idea there were blue snowdrops - I nearly had a minor panic thinking they were bluebells, I've promised myself to finish my thesis before bluebells peak so I can go and enjoy them! I'd love to make soap one day, I'll have to look it up!!

  23. Bottling farts, how funny! I'll leave that to you scientists! They must be blue snowdrops as I think it's really too early for bluebells, usually they flower mid May round these parts. Nice haircut and I agree about the mirrors, same ones obviously that when you have to buy a pair of jeans make your bum look three times the size you thought it was! xx

  24. Hi Christina, I've called in via Amy's Five On Friday. I think the blue flowers are scilla too, definitely not bluebells. Cycling through the woods sounds like a lovely way to get to work but I guess it depends on the weather. Love the selfie.x


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