photo scavenger hunt May

It has been a while since I participated in a photo scavenger hunt. Greenthumb over at Made With Love puts a challenging list together each month. It is fun. I have noted down the prompts in my little notebook since January but somehow life got in the way of looking for the perfect motive. I was determined to get a shot for all prompts this month. Some prompts were more of a struggle than others... I like to just come across a perfect motive for my photos rather than staging them but I joined the party late and had to resort to a bit of staging.

Blue: I found this odd little blue number tag on a tree along the canal. I don't know what it means. 

Crystal: A close up of one of six dainty crystal glasses that we like very much for a Friday night Margarita. I particularly like the little stars cut into the glass. They use to belong to Richard's granny.

Vintage: There is a fine line between vintage and old...this tea tray is both old and vintage. I like it a lot. It belonged to Richard's parents.

Fluff: I couldn't find any fluff balls in the corners of my house (for once). These dandelion clocks are a good approximation for fluff though. And so much prettier, too.

Global. I was hoping to catch one of the ubiquitous parcel delivery vans with a 'global' logo but there was none to be found. Instead I saw this plane passing over, in approach to Glasgow airport. Airplanes are a symbol of globalisation in my mind.

Mask: Here, clouds are masking the sun.

Bus: There are buses everywhere in Glasgow but it was not easy to capture one on camera. I am either too slow or the buses are too fast....

Frame: a 'waterfall' framed by the gates of the lock.

Collection: I am not what you would call a collector of things, unless of course you count fabric and yarn. I do have a small collection of necklaces hanging from my old mirrored chest of drawers. 

Poster: This poster was hanging in my University library back in the 1996. I asked if I could take it home when the exhibition was over. I've had it ever since and I still like it very much. 

Ribbon: a fern leaf rolled up like a spool of ribbon. They are a thing of beauty, those slowly unfurling ferns.

Whatever you want: a lucky shot. I liked the bird box with the number seven on and just as I was focusing, a busy little bird arrived with an insect in its beak for the little ones inside.

My selection of photos is just on of many. Do go and checkout the other links here. Why don't you join in in June?

Thank you so much for your long and thoughtful comments on my happiness post. I was just rambling away but I glad you enjoyed the post and contributed to it, too. 

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Cxx


  1. A great collection of photos - it was a tough list this month I think! I think the blue tag will be a tree ID number or something like that.

  2. What a super selection of photos! Love the dandelion clocks and the curled fern also love your poster and collection of necklaces. Buses kept escaping me too:)

  3. What a great selection of photos, you are quite the photographer. I loved the tray, old or vintage it was a real delight. What is the definition of vintage anyway, when I Googled it once it goes on about wine as does the dictionary.

  4. Lovely pictures - I like the bird and the dandelions.

  5. I love your contributions. I think the dandelions are perfect because around here, we call it dandelion "fluff" more than by any other name. I really like that they're called "clocks" over there. I'd never heard that name before I started reading blogs from across the pond.

  6. I so enjoyed seeing all your photos. But, I especially like your "fluff" and the "frame". It looks like you live in a beautiful setting. Have a wonderful week :)

  7. Super interpretations - I like it when the photos are suggesting one thing but look like another. Love the fern - ready to unfurl.

  8. Great finds!! Your collection of necklaces is lovely!! I really like your take on mask, quite the most novel picture that I have seen for that theme this month!! Frame is great too!! Hope that you had a great weekend and have a great June too! xx

  9. Fantastic photos, I especially like the bird. We've been watching a pair of crows raising their chick in a tree we can see from the house. It's been so enjoyable. I love your row of necklaces as well, so pretty. I love the idea of a scavenger hunt, I shall go and see what the prompts are for June. CJ xx

  10. Aaah I have the same for fluff and I love the fern curled like a ribbon. Beautiful crystal glasses too. :)

  11. I enjoyed looking at your photos ~ what a great selection! How fortuitous that a little bird arrived just when you were taking a photo of the bird house!

  12. Morning Chrisitne. I like an interesting set of photos each with their own story. I really love that bead bracelet combination in the middle of your collections - such fresh colours. Jo x

  13. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. What a great group of photos. I really like fluff, fram, blue and lace. Greenthumb

  14. Great photo's Christina, the one of the mummy bird (or daddy!!) is fabulous. I love the unfurling ferns at this time of year too, they are so neatly packed. X

  15. I love ferns too. Just yesterday I was admiring the unfurling fern leaves in my mother in law's garden. They remind me a lot of home, we had lots of ferns growing in our backyard when I was growing up. I also love the last photo of the bird and the little bird's house.and I think your necklace collection is fantastic. I'm actually a little envious :-)

  16. Very nice picture ideas! I looked at dandelions last week and almost took pictures, but didn't. I will know better next time. :-)

  17. Oh lucky sighting of the bluetit!!! What a pretty photo! Your dandelions are much better than mine- which wasn't very fluffy!!! The fern leaf was a lovely idea and very poetic and you are SO clever with the mask!x

  18. Great photos and I particularly like frame and mask (clever idea). I tried to get a delivery van for global too but you can never find one when you want one or have your camera out! x

  19. Ooh well done. I think there were some tricky prompts this time! I like those little glasses with stars on them, so pretty xx

  20. You've captured some great subjects for the prompts. I love the photo of the lock and how lucky to get that little bird ready to feed its young, lovely.

  21. A great collection, Christina! Mask had me tearing my hair out, and you came up with a clever and creative solution! Your poster was gorgeous. Another clever solve was the fiddlehead for ribbon ~ although I confess that it gave me a shudder ~ in the Maritimes people eat fiddleheads in the spring, and I remember the dread I felt when they appeared on my plate! The water spilling over the lock gates has a fabulous composition! Happy hunting in June!

  22. I've never come across a scavenger hunt before - what an interesting idea. It must have been hard to get a photo for each word - well done! Judy.

  23. Love your collection of necklaces. I see several there that I would wear! I've never done a photo challenge before. Maybe I'll join in during the month of June.

  24. I really enjoy your interpretations of the prompts. Such a great shot of the bird going into it's nest!

  25. Great choices. The fiddleleaf fern (ribbon), the waterfall frame, and the dandelion.Why didn't I think of that while I was searching for fluff. Enjoyed it.


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