two scenarios

I forgot how important weekends become when you are working full time. Come Friday lunch time I am looking forward to the early evening and I imagine myself with a glass of Margarita in hand, firmly settled in my armchair, feet up on the footstool. The telly is probably tuned to Scooby-Doo because that's how the younger children like to chill-out after a week at school. The dog is soundly asleep at my feet. The older children are invisible.

The reality is somewhat different. Of course it is. 

Dinner has a higher priority than after work drinks and rather than sitting in my favourite armchair, I might be standing in front of the fridge, wondering what to cook with limp celery, plain yogurt and capers. In this scenario, Scooby Doo might still be on but the sound is probably drowned out by bickering voices. The dog will have destroyed the book I forgot to tidy up. The older children are still invisible.

In preparation for the weekly Friday ritual (as seen in the second scenario), I shall now leave work and take the slow route home through the woods, stopping to pick handful or two of raspberries and to (guiltily) enjoy the sweet sweet scent of Himalayan Balsam. (Yes, I do know it is an invasive species).

Have a great weekend everybody! Cx


  1. I love to cook with a glass of wine at hand - so you may be standing in the kitchen rather than sitting, but still have that drink :-)

  2. How recognisable :-/
    Tonight I'm looking forward to sending the kids to bed early and watching an episode of Midsommer Murders. Hopefully undisturbed, but that is probably too good to be true xxx

  3. since the kids have flown the nest my week end is so different, its a time to relax and enjoy time together explore and have adventures we take turns cooking it was a long time coming but it came in the end :-)

  4. Brings back memories and made me smile. Hope you manage to get your feet up and sip on the longed for drink... or two...!!!

  5. Put your feet up, pour a glass of wine and order a takeaway!

    I was very surprised to read the line 'enjoy the sweet scent of HB' - I didn't realise anyone liked the smell of it! I can't stand it, it makes me feel queasy and I can sniff it out a mile away, haha!

  6. Stop at the chippy on the way home, and have that margarita instead of standing in front of the fridge. I know what you mean though, if I ever imagine a moment of blissful peace, it never actually materialises. I'm almost ready to put mine away for the day. Big happy sigh. Nerf bullets are driving me bananas. Wishing you a top weekend. CJ xx

  7. It's never perfect, is it? But it's life. And l think it is perfectly okay to avoid it a bit longer after work. Right on, sister.

  8. I hope you enjoyed that slow walk home and had time for the feet up and that margarita.

  9. sounds familiar, I hope you managed to get some down time. x

  10. Oh yes, very familiar. It's a gin and tonic (with lots of ice and a piece of lemon) that I look forward to on. Friday evening! Hope you get some R&R this weekend X

  11. I don't know how mums who work full time do it, hats off to you. Sounds like you could do with a takeaway to go with your Margarita.

  12. I love your realism, Christina. Just had to let you know. :)

  13. At least you'll be able to bash at the Himalayan balsam without a guilty conscience when you've had a bad day and don't fancy cooking - I'm seriously impressed that you can do anything with limp celery, plain yoghurt and capers! xx

  14. What did you do with them? My best suggestion would be a sort of stir in pasta sauce, although I'd really rather have a takeaway and a glass of something cool. Stick them all in the bath, slam a video on, shove them on a sheet in front of the TV and sit back.

  15. I have lots of blissfully peaceful times. In my dreams. My reality sounds very familiar to your second scenario. Happy weekend Christina :)

  16. Friday is never calm in my house in reality either..... stand in front of the fridge with a glass of wine x

  17. Which ever way your Friday evening panned out I hope it was relaxed and stress free... And there was at least a drink to hand whilst you created your limp celery and caper masterpiece!

  18. The first scenario you described is what I long for too. But the reality is more the second one where the kids are bickering and complaining they're hungry and they've made a big mess which neither of them are planning to tidy up. For these times I'm grateful for fresh pasta and pesto and Ceebebies and once they're in bed a glass of something nice and cool. Hope your weekend was fun and you had plenty of treats just fornyou. X

  19. Hey Christina,
    Ah yes the pipe and slippers scenario we call it. Every week Marc drives home playing an idealized picture of the home. He is usually disappointed! As for me..five minutes not having a demand placed upon me is my go to idealized state. Hope you managed to put your feet up and drink that drink.
    Leanne xx

  20. Ah Christina you made me chuckle. It is all so true isn't it? I love your perspective because the reality you describe is my reality too.

  21. That made me's so true :) I'm now often called to 'referee' over something or another since the littlest developed speech and an opinion. Now we're in the midst of potty training I'm refereeing whilst clearing up a wee! :-) xx


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