three days of sunshine

The sun is shining. Yes, you read right, the sun is shining. Again. It is rather unbelievable and most welcome. That would be the three sunny days in four. Quite possibly unheard of in the long history of Scotland. 

Joke aside, it is not even nine in the morning, I am sat at my office desk at the window, gazing out through the canopy of a gigantic monkey puzzle tree into the early morning sun. I might have to lower the blinds. I walked to work today, giving my bike a rest. I took the photos above on my walk into work.

We are on half term this week. Well, I am not as you can read above. Sam and Annie are enjoying lazy days at home. Richard took James and Alistair on a winter camping trip. They are staying in a wooden pod rather than a tent to keep warm. I got a text last night after they returned from a moonlit walk, ready to lighten the BBQ. Life is good in Dumfries & Galloway. With no one to get ready but myself today, I decided to use the time that I usually spend shouting at various offspring to make a treat for Sam and Annie: I 'made' croissants before I left for work. You know, the kind that comes in a tube that pops open to release a lump of dough that unrolls like loo roll? The croissants didn't rise but I am sure they will be appreciated all the same once Sam and Annie wake up (in the late morning no doubt). 

With the little creatures gone I got a flavour of how weekends will be once they have grown out of the needy period. The usually tight time stretched and inflated and enveloped me in a bubble of timelessness. I tidied and cleaned the living room knowing that it will stay like that until Tuesday evening. Then I spent the afternoon sewing, drinking coffee and sewing some more. I spoke to my favourite aunt and my brother and gazed out of the window. Later, Annie made pizza dough, Sam tomato sauce and I assembled the pizzas before we settled down in front of our favourite screens to eat. I felt rather decadent. I watched an episode of the X Files (I am on season 4 now). After dinner, the laundry almost folded itself, and even the ironing was not too bad, with another episode of the X Files. I was finished with chores by seven. More time to sew. I really really enjoyed myself. I wonder if it would get a little boring if I always had that much time? 

I also noticed how little my older children need me now. I could hear them in the background going about their own business. I am not quite sure if I am sad or happy about this. A bit of both I guess. Every now and then one popped downstairs to say hello, even to give a me a quick hug. They can be really delightful (they can also be really horrid). 

I just realise that I actually haven't got much to say but I wanted to note down how happy I felt yesterday and this morning so I could read this post at a later date, when I feel like hiding under the dining room table for a good cry.

Wishing you a happy and delightful week. xx


  1. Oh Christina I love this post, so very very sweet. Life is similar here too xx

  2. What a joyful post Christina, and how lovely to enjoy and appreciate the time for yourself.

  3. What lovely post, and you are right to note it, I think that is one of the nice things about blogging, it does become a diary of sorts. I am enjoying the sunshine too, it is simply gorgeous out our way today X

  4. I bet you are sad and happy that your oldest are able to tend to themselves. You deserve a break, time to sew, read or knit. Time to take a walk and time not to rush around getting everyone ready for school or bed. Now Richard, he is a prince is he not? He will need a nice vacation after this faction.

  5. No, you won't get bored with all you like to do and the days will fly by. I love my quiet mornings and a day that can be filled with whatever I choose :-) Time for yourself is a good thing.

  6. It is nice when they're more independent, but nice that they still need us.

  7. Hey Christina,
    I'm glad that you jotted down the happy. I have been too bogged down in the gloom that can be, rather than highlighting the good that there is. If I didn't have an Olly, I would be almost redundant. With Sam at Uni, and Alf in teen retreat I would probably just sit and twiddle my thumbs. Here's to more fine weather up your end!
    Leanne xx

  8. It all sounds wonderful. We used to have those croissants years ago. I'll have to do them again to surprise the kids – great idea. It's amazing what taking one or two children out of the equation does. Two of mine stayed overnight elsewhere, so we just had one child at home yesterday afternoon/evening/this morning. It was bliss. Hope your week continues in a similar vein. X

  9. Wonderful!! Just wonderful!!! Indeed, remember this for the crying days. Love your new header! xx

  10. What a lovely day Christina, and a very well deserved break. It's funny how a child or two less than normal can completely transform things isn't it. I'm very impressed with the pizza making, I am making another mental note to train mine in this sort of thing. CJ xx

  11. I think variety is the secret. I love it when all the family are around me. But after a while, yearn for time alone to potter, knit, sew etc. Vice versa when it's a family free week I miss the chatter. Treasure every moment of every age. You will look back eventually and even the wearisome moments of motherhood will make you smile. Make the most of the peace and enjoy your older children! Barbara xx

  12. Half term for me too, but not that lazy, unfortunately, as I've got no excuse to ignore all the household chores I've been neglecting. But plenty of time for lazing around and reading too. Always happy to see a post form you even if you haven't got much to say. I can't seem to get back into blogging habit at present. Sun shining and Kate and I are planning an outing today so, inspired by you, will get the camera out.

  13. It is an interesting shift when the children reach their teens. But really Christina we will never be redundant because children do occasionally need their mum and dad as has just been proven at my end! A sunny day does make all the difference and how lovely to be able to walk to work. I bet those little boys of yours, and Richard too of course, will be over the moon to be home.

  14. By creating this post you have helped my week be more delightful, Christina :) Thanks! When my youngest of four started kindergarten I began working as a teaching assistant at our elementary school. I had two sons who were in middle and high school and two girls in elementary school. They are now in their 40's and 30's! You have pleasantly reminded me of the season of life I enjoyed years ago that you are living now. :) xx

  15. It's different when one or more of your brood is elsewhere, isn't it? I noticed similar recently now Miss L has started going to brownies and I just have the older two. She's only out of the house for 90mins but the place feels so different! I hope Richard and the littlies have a great time xx

  16. Lots of transition for you - it keeps changing from now on as I recall. It's half term here too and it has nothing to do with me any more, which is very strange. Is your family star-gazing in Dumfries & Galloway? I think it's a Dark Skies park, isn't it?

  17. I liked reading your post. It must be very different to have one of your children away from home. Mine usually go together if they spend a rare night with my in-laws. I enjoyed your sunny photos, especially the one with your shadow. Enjoy the sunny weather while you can.

  18. Aww, this was such a lovely read this morning. I am still at the nagging stage to get my youngest (17!!) out the door in the morning ... he just left. I will be happy when I no longer have this responsibility to get him going on time. My daughter is home from university for Reading Week, but haven't seen her reading much ;) Enjoy the peace and quiet and time to yourself while it lasts.

  19. My kids are still in that 'needy' stage and when they get older and more independent, when they won't need me around them as much as they do now, I'll feel like you do as well, maybe happy but also a bit sad.. I hope you'll have more sunny weather this week. We're back to grey and wet here in South Yorkshire and it looks like it will stay like this til the weekend :-(

  20. Hope you continued to enjoy half term. It's funny how the dynamics change when part of the family are missing, it was very strange when Daniel went off to university leaving only one at home. I'm sure it will be even stranger when Eleanor goes off to uni later on this year and Mick and I are left on our own.

  21. It is good to share the bits of the days you enjoy we all have the days where things don't go quite right and a little reminder it's not always like that is no bad thing. Glad you had a lovely day. xx

  22. Hope you've had a lovely half term! The pictures are lovely, the light is just perfect :) When winter is so beautiful I don't mind the cold xx


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