don't fret, it is just micellar water

But more that later.

It has been a enjoyable weekend. Busy but not busy. It started with the camping planning meeting on Friday night. This is an essential part of our biannual camping  weekends, although by the time we get around to the planning meeting, all is booked and planned. The biggest decision is where to go, and who is keeping track of the long range weather forecast.

Just before we left, Annie suggested she do my make-up. I wasn't going to bother. After all, our camping friends have seen the worst of me already. You know, that exhausted hollowed out look one achieves after three days of poor sleep and long windy days, complete with baggy, dirty joggy bottoms. I let myself talk into it and to be honest, it was nice to be pampered by my beautiful daughter. She is a make-up wizard, Annie is. She told me that my complexion was actually ok (all things considered) but that unfortunately her concealer tone didn't match mine and I would have to make do with black rings under my eyes, or look ghoulish. I opted for the black rings. She removed the concealer using micellar water. Having my eyes closed all throughout, I flinched at the cold pad touching my eyes. Don't fret, it is just micellar water Annie said. I felt very pretty, despite the baggy eyes.

The evening was a success but I consumed far too much Prosecco. We discussed all the necessary items on the agenda and moved on swiftly to more mundane topics, like how often we all changed bedlinen (we are a group of very good friends) and what gigs were planned for the autumn.

Saturday began with the usual football training for the lads and a long dog walk for me. After the walk, there was a flurry of cleaning, everyone helped. We had been a bit lazy, which is probably the result of having a neat house the week before when my mum was here (her efforts, not mine, it was great).

Annie's friends arrived at 2 pm, for an extended over night birthday party. It didn't involve me or anyone else. The girls were chatting, baking and beautifying each other. Then they went for dinner at Pizza Express (no parents required). I felt a pang of regret, loosing my little girl to adulthood is exiting and terrifying at the same time. More exiting than terrifying thankfully. Annie did text to say that she had left her wallet at home... since we were on taxi duty anyway, it was not a problem.

James and Alistair spent the afternoon on the football pitch with friends. I felt rather redundant but enjoyed practising free motion quilting on small pieces of quilt sandwiches. It was not a success. Achieving a regular stitch length is tricky and the top thread was showing in the curves on the bottom, just like cartoon eyelashes. I'll keep practising for a few weeks before tackling the real thing. I also cut out fabric for a bra. Sewing a bra is my next sewing challenge.

Sunday started with an excited ten year old. James was getting ready promptly for his own birthday party, only two months late. Richard took him and a car load of excited children to the climbing wall, then on to MacDonald's for some fine dining. Meanwhile Jack and I went for a long walk. Thereafter, he chilled out on the window sill and I continued sewing. I struggled sewing the right pieces of bra together but succeeded in the end (more of that another time). James's friends stayed on after the party and played happily for a while, then went off to the football pitch again. I need to get used to children not wanting to play with me.

I went for my jog later. I am reluctant to call it a run, I am in week four of my ZombiesRun 5k training game and there is plenty of walking. The training program is different from other 5k training programmes in that you very quickly up the milage, the full distance in week three. It is a walk-fast walk-jog routine interspersed with exercises, for example heel lifts. I enjoy the story that comes with the drills, even though it is not the first time I am doing using this app.

Dinner was an excellent chicken/mushroom/tarragon pie. There were some complaints about mushrooms and tarragon but I thought Richard cooked an amazing dinner. He is a far better cook than I.

Now I am sat in my favourite yellow armchair, watching the original 1968 Star Trek series. I hope you enjoyed a weekend as lovely as mine. Have a good week! xx


  1. It sounds like you've had a very nice weekend. Happy birthday to Annie! I could use a makeup helper, if you want to send her for an American holiday sometime. :)

  2. I used to love Star Trek, still do watch any of their new films out. 1968 wow! I need to be careful saying - that was a long time ago, as people are always sensitive about their age. Still that yr is dear to me too and I can't get upset about that. Happy birthday to Annie. It's my sons birthday at the weekend 15 yrs old. Don't know what he wants to do really. He's desperate for a haircut but with colds and attending other parties he's still needing a cut. Maybe we'll have a quiet family day and plan friends sleeping over and the pictures the following weekend. Need to arrange it asap. Have a good week. Cx

  3. It's exciting when they begin to truly grow up and scary when they're ready to leave home. I was always a Star Trek fan, never much of a Star Wars fan. We were needing a giggle last night so we streamed Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, it's from 1989--liked it then and liked it last night.
    Can't imagine making a bra that would actually fit.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful weekend because everyone was happy, there were great celebrations and you got some much needed alone time. As for the make up, I dearly need help. I quite forget how to put it all on. Maybe Annie can give us some tips. Enjoy your week.

  5. I think if I were to run 5kms I would be a zombie. There always seems lots of action at your house. Keep practising the FMQ, before you know it you will be a master at it. As for bra making; I just ask the question...why?? =) I would think this would be a very tricky thing to make. I think I will stick to buying my under is always such a highlight in my life, hours and hours of trying on every single bra in the store and never really find the perfect one. =0

  6. Your weekend sounds like it was happy and positive, good for you. We finally got some rain today which we're all hoping will clean the smoke out of our air and dampen the wild fire which has consumed 45,000 acres in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon. Everyone is outraged that it was started by some 15 year old boys throwing lit fireworks off a trail in the gorge while laughing like loons. ::shaking my head:: But all is well here at our old farmhouse for now. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Hi Christina, I could really do with some make -up right now! I am a bit washed out with the pup and children and family stuff. I need an Annie! have a good week.Jo x

  8. Sounds like a good weekend, everyone doing there own thing. I could do with both a makeup helper and a chef so there will always be room here for Richard and Annie. LOL! How wonderful to be making your own bra, not something that I could ever envisage getting right if I were making one.

  9. It's funny, I was just talking to the children about Star Trek yesterday and wondering whether they'd enjoy it. It sounds like a good weekend, plenty of time to relax and ponder, which is always good. Have a good week Christina. CJ xx

  10. That sounds like a very lovely and relaxed weekend all round and I hope your week continues in the same vein. How lovely to have a daughter to pamper you too. Young girls today seem to know so much about make up. I'm lucky if I get a sweep of blusher and some mascara!

  11. How lovely to have your make-up expertly applied. (My cousin's son is a make-up artist and I always feel at a disadvantage when I go out with her.) Good luck with the bra making. I was at school with a girl whose mother made all her clothes, including her underwear. Enjoy your week.

  12. Sounds like a pretty good weekend :)

  13. I remember when my daughter used to "make me up". It was so lovely to be pampered. Isn't it amazing how adept our daughters become at looking after their hair, nails and skin, although nowadays aged 21 and with more interesting things to do with her time she is sporting the natural look!

  14. My daughter plucks my eyebrows and has taught me how to 'contour' my cheekbones. But I have to careful as I can't really see well enough to do it properly and once had to be stopped from going out with a brown stripe on my face. Love to hear of your weekends.

  15. First, I don't think it's possible to consume too much Prosecco. And, your weekend sounds busy, but with many great moments. The chicken, mushroom, tarragon pie would have been something we would have enjoyed.


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