101 pleasures - part 2

How are you all? I am good, busy with work and busy with life. Between the two of us, Richard and I keep the boat floating so all is fine. We even managed a school science outreach double act on Tuesday, followed by a burger at Bread Meats Bread (it is good despite the irritating name). Sam joined us and it was rather nice to have dinner with our oldest. He complained bitterly about the hipster place but now wants to go back for his Birthday! Annie held the fort at home, cooking dinner for herself and the youngsters.

The children are operating within normal parameters, with the occasional 10 year old tantrum thrown in for good measure. It makes a change to the previous two weeks during which my parenting skills and the will to share the house with four children were challenged.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I have not much to share at the moment. I have however been adding to my list of 101 small pleasures. Indeed, I found this a very uplifting exercise. Thank you for sharing your own small pleasure in the comments of my previous 101 small pleasures post. In no particular order and far from complete, here are a few of your own small pleasures: Hena enjoys having the house to herself for a short while when the little ones are at school. This is a sentiment shared by CJ, who loves the peace and quiet of a solitary breakfast after school. Gina loved getting into an exhibition and cinema on concession tickets. Kristin found a missing sock inside the sleeve of a shirt. Seeing her son thriving at college and witnessing her daughter's passion for making a difference to social justice in her country makes her happy, too (I don't have a link for Kristin unfortunately).

11.  A glimpse of the blue sky
12.  Chicken and mushroom pie
13.  Spotting a teeny tiny wren just outside my house
14.  The sun warming my face
15.  Sam's unconditional offers for a University place
16.  Finding the little ones soundly asleep in one bed (the cat claiming the pillow, as she always does)
17.  An evening with friends, chatting about life and books
18.  Taking science to school and have the pupils help me diagnose a parasitic disease
19.  The yellow rudbeckia outside my window - still flowering
20.  Morton roll with tattie scone for lunch

If you want to see my first 10 small pleasures, here is the link.

I have misplaced my camera memory card and rarely use my phone to take pictures. The above is the meagre result of last week. It is a sweet photo despite the poor quality. We find James and Alistair like that quite often and always with the cat.

Have a lovely Friday. Thanks for stopping by. xx


  1. Knowing our daughter will be coming home for Christmas.
    Enjoying my morning walk with Mac each day.
    Being pleased that the Cornish Hens I'm not good at cooking turned out good.
    Having the time to read blogs each day
    A few of my pleasures

  2. Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just my cat that likes pillows. I donā€™t get a look in anymore , mine needs the WHOLE pillow all night! Glad about Sams place at uni, so good when itā€™s uncondtional. Not sure what my favourite things are at the moment, probably toasting my toes by the fire or it could be a bracing walk along the beach in the November sunshine :) Have a good weekend. B x

  3. How totally sweet to see your two darlings napping with the cat. They are so angelic when asleep. Gosh, I hope you find your memory card.. are there precious photos on it? I'm thankful for the family that live here with us. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Congratulations on the university offers Sam! And what a lovely photo of your younger boys both asleep with the cat. They sound like quite big pleasures really.

  5. Hope Sam enjoys selecting his Uni and his time there!

  6. Congratulations to Sam on his unconditional offers, that must take the pressure off him somewhat. I'd love to know what he intends to study. My biggest pleasure of this week was a text I received from Eleanor telling me that she'd got a first in a piece of work she'd had assessed. This was followed up with another text when she found out she'd also got a first in a presentation. She's been so worried since starting her second year as she'd been finding it hard, but it seems her hard work is paying off and she needn't have worried.

  7. Brilliant news about Sam's offers, I'm so pleased for you both. An evening with friends is a lovely thing isn't it. And I always love spotting teeny tiny birds. I saw a goldcrest the other day (not the dead one I blogged about, an actual live one) and it was amazing. Wishing you a good weekend. CJ xx

  8. Congrats on Sam's offers for University, you must be so thrilled. Love the photos of the boys, how sweet to find them this way. Have a wonderful week.

  9. Another good list for a really nice project. Yay for Sam! That is such fantastic news!

  10. Oh great news about Sam's university offers. I love your photo, I usually use my phone to take them these days because I got fed up of forgetting to put my camera in my pocket when I changed jackets! xx

  11. Ah..14 16 and 17 would make me happy too

  12. What a wonderful idea for a post. Well done to Sam on the University offer! I would add to those above who cherish the quiet of a briefly empty house. After dropping my two at school I have two hours before heading to work for an 11am start. The first thing I do is sit with a coffee and radio 4 for a little while and restore my equilibrium. x


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