Denmark - our summerhouse and the beach

I am ready to share some holiday photos with you. Today, I'll show you the summerhouse and the nearby beaches. It was such a nice place, we didn't venture far for the first week.

Our summer house was near the coast in North Zeeland and was about one hours drive from Copenhagen. It was one of many summer houses but we rarely saw or heard our neighbours as each was on a generous plot of land and although many of the houses seemed occupied it was very peaceful. I enjoyed that. The cottage was surrounded by woodlands and shrubs on three sides but had an open field in the back with horses grazing and more woodlands in the distance.

I felt at home straight away. The summer house was light and airy, open plan and all white on the inside. It felt like a proper home, with a thoughtfully planned living space. It was artfully thrown together in that nonchalant way that I would like to call my own, too. There was a mix of vintage and new and it all just worked. The Danes seem to like vintage and flea markets, there was plenty of opportunity to visit small vintage shops. The restrictive Ryanair baggage regulations prevented me from buying anything but it was tempting.

The summerhouse is clearly a beloved holiday home, not a holiday rental property. Airbnb as originally intended. There were three bedrooms inside the house and additional annex, which Annie claimed for herself but then was too scared to spend the night in on her own. She moved back to the main house quickly. I imagine the annex would make perfect craft room!

I loved the all around the house decking, there was a spot of sun at any time of day. I would move the chair I had claimed to be mine right through the house in the late afternoon to the sunny evening spot and back again in the morning for morning sun. Perfect. The light was beautiful, just the right kind for hand sewing. There were too dining tables outside, front and back and we could eat in the sun or shade at any time of day. The boys loved the trampoline, which was set into the ground. There was also a climbing tree, plenty of wood for building dens and a fire pit. We couldn't use this because of a fire ban but it was never chilly enough to wish for a cosy fire anyway.

The beach was quite close but access seemed tricky as access paths were private and gated even though the actual beach wasn't. People were very friendly, unlocking their gate for us and later explaining where public access was. James loved the beach, he wanted to visit every day. Richard was happy to take him. The rest of us often stayed at the house, pottering. The sea was surprisingly warm, the sand soft and fine. I really don't like sand on my hands and feet and in an ideal world, each sandy beach should have a small concrete patch for people like me, who love the water but hate to walk through the sand with wet feet! Luckily, there were some big rocks along the shore and I could sit on those unharmed by pesky sand. The waves were quite bit but not scarily so and even Alistair ventured in, as long as I was by his side. James is like a fish, as are Annie and Richard. Alistair and I would watch them in the distance, playing silly games in the waves, floating or diving.

It was hot, properly hot. Everything was bone dry and grass crunchy under foot. There were lots of fruit vendors along the country roads and I felt for their livelihood, affected by the draught. The cherries were amazing, just like the cherries of my childhood, not the small hard ones we can buy at Tesco's at a premium. We ate loads of cherries, and strawberries, too. Cost of living are quite high but not higher than back home. It is funny how we always think holidays should be a bargain and I did catch myself thinking that stuff is too expensive!

Denmark is such a civilised country, it was good to leave the political mess that is the UK behind for a bit and ignore the disastrous downwards spiralling path Brexit is tumbling along drunkenly. I just thought this morning that I may not be able to go on holiday abroad next year as I might be denied re-entry... not a thought I want to dwell on too much.

I'll be sharing some more photos over the coming weeks. In the meantime, I am enjoying my holiday at home. I am working but because my entire family is away, it feels a bit like a holiday. Jack is recovering well and will have his stitches removed tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. xx


  1. Looks idyllic, like you I am not a lover of sand on my feet I have found that aqua shoes help. I got mine from Sports Direct in their end of season sale so not expensive but a great asset. Enjoy the quiet.

  2. What a gorgeous location and house, I love the style. I would love to visit too, we are hoping in the future we will tour in a camper van. x

  3. It’s gorgeous! It seems as though you had a lovely time too which is great

  4. What a fabulous looking place to holiday. The Danes do understated so well. Comfortable and elegant at the same time. You must have had a wonderfully relaxing time and I’m guessing the youngsters slept well with all that sea air and exercise. I love France for their proper cherries, the uk supermarkets never get that sort of thing right. Not watching the news at the moment. It’s just too depressing. Enjoy your holiday at home and give a hug to Jack. B x

  5. Looks and sounds like a wonderful place, I'm not surprised you had a wonderful vacation.

  6. That looks a wonderful place to stay, I think I'd like it there :)

  7. What a lovely spot, I'm glad you had such a good time. My middle boy doesn't like sand at all either, he hates it. He will be on the path with you. In fact I would be too if there was one. I know exactly what you mean about Brexit. Ghastly mess. If you weren't allowed back in you would have to move into the Danish summerhouse... But I won't make too light of it, it is an unpleasant situation and must be incredibly worrying for you. It amazes me what a mess has been made of it all. David Cameron has a lot to answer for. I shall look forward to hearing more about Denmark, it sounds absolutely lovely. Enjoy your alone time (SO envious), and glad to hear Jack is on the mend. CJ xx

  8. Oh WOW,what Dreams are made of,Beautiful.I have only been to Denmark once a very long time ago.x

  9. That looks like a perfect vacation spot.. fun and casual cottage and the warm sea to swim in. I'd love it there. We're having our own political disasters here in the USA. Every single day the new guy in the White House does something horrible. I can't wait until he's done and gone forever. Enjoy your peace and quiet! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. It does sound like the perfect holiday enjoyed by all! Love those interiors!

  11. You chose your holiday home well, it all sounds most inviting. Looking forward to seeing and reading more about your stay. Shame you've had to return to the real world and the B word.

  12. What a beautiful looking holiday home and such a tranquil looking spot. I can't tolerate sand on my hands and feet either - it was the only bad bit about our Greek wedding having to spend so much time on the Sandy beach. As a child my dad used to have to carry me from the water over the sand to the promenade or a deck chair!

  13. IT all looks so beautiful and peaceful. I am all about visiting or living in a civilized country, no chance of that here. Your trip looks fantastic.

  14. Looks great. Isn't Denmark the happiest country, or right up there anyway?

  15. It looks lovely there, Christina and it sounds like you had a lovely relaxing holiday. We're just back from Holiday in France - interesting but not that relaxing really since I spent a great deal of time trying to resolve disputes between husband and daughter.

  16. Hey Christina,
    Your holiday looks and sounds heavenly. I was just thinking this morning that I wished I was going away for a few days. I could do with relaxing in a chair that I moved about according to the sun and my whim at any time of the day.
    Leanne xx

  17. Yiur summer holiday getaway looks to have been a lovely retreat, Christina. Like you, I am not fond of wst sand on my feet and also sitting in the sand. That said, I prefer walking along the surf. Looks like the weather cooperated as well.

  18. Oh my goodness, what a lovely place.

  19. Great photos Christina, glad you all had a lovely time - love the summerhouse xx

  20. I have been campaigning hard for a holiday in Denmark but no-one seems keen but me. Your holiday looks utterly wonderful.

  21. I have visited Denmark and I thought it was a lovely country. I also fall hard for the scandi interior style. This beach cottage you rented was certainly a good choice!


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