a good week

Me, huffing and puffing, reaching the very top. It was a bit of a scramble to get there but you can't see this here

I have been away from the computer for a whole week! Imagine that, just. a peek now and then but never more than a couple of minutes. You see, I have been on holiday again. This time I stayed at home and enjoyed my friend Ursula's visit. She arrived Friday last week and stayed until today. I am feeling really rather good about life today. We have been reminiscing about the golden olden days, not in a grumpy middle aged way but with pleasure. We were busy doing simple things. Walking Jack, wandering around town, a couple of hill walks and lots and lots of sewing. Ursula and I were both working on my hexagon quilt. It was most relaxing, stitching and chatting. Everyone around us was very accommodating, just letting us get on with the fun.

We were very luck to have time to just do what we wanted. I had put the wrong dates for the visit in my diary and because I thought I would be working like crazy this week, I had booked James and Alistair into an nature adventure camp all week. As it happens, Ursula came a week earlier than I thought. Perfect really. Next week, schools are back. I know, summer passed quickly.

The photos are from a hill walk up Conic Hill on Wednesday. We escaped the madness that was the European Championship time trial with all its road closures. Our neighbourhood was completely cut off by road closures but luckily a clever council worker thought of removing the traffic calming bollards at the exit of a small road leading onto Great Western Rd. I can only assume this is a temporary measure to allow access for emergency services. We could sneak out this way and all was good. It was beautiful out in the countryside (if a bit wet and windy, thank goodness for waterproof trousers)! Conic Hill is on the shore of Loch Lomond, a popular holiday destination. The hill was busy but not crowded and I really enjoyed the walk. Jack loved it, too but we had to keep him on the lead higher up because he likes to chase sheep, which is of course not acceptable. It has been a while since I last was that active and it felt good.

I am now regrouping and planning ahead for next week, when schools return. I still have to sort through the uniforms and cover old name labels with new ones. Four children is practical for hand-me-downs, I have not bought new school tops in six years. Other than that, I think a quiet weekend is in order to make the good feeling of the this past week last just a little bit bit longer.

I hope to catch up with your own blogs also, I have not forgotten about all my lovely blog friends :-)

Enjoy your weekend. xx


  1. What a lovely week by the sound of it. Nothing like a bit of hill walking to get the endorphins firing. Hope you’re weekend is good too. B x

  2. I'm so glad you had a good visit with Ursula! I love that she helped you work on your quilt. What a great thing to do together! Hope you have a good weekend.

  3. What fun to have an old friend to stay.

  4. Your holiday at home in the company of your good friend sounds wonderful. Those views from your hill walks are stunning. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. So now whenever you use or look at the quilt you’ll remember Ursula helping create it. How lovely. Friendship in every stitch, how can it not be a comfort bringer to whoever uses it after that?
    The hills look lovely, not surprised they bestowed a positive energy. And as for Jack, well you know I adore him, naughty or not 😆 xx

  6. Sounds like a lovely week and a great walk . . . huff and puff up the hill, but what a view! That and the fact that our bodies feel wonderful after a good extra push :)
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Connie :)

  7. Sounds like a great week, the distinct lack of oxygen huffing and puffing up the hill was well worth it, what a view. Loch Lomond is a beautiful area.

  8. What gorgeous scenery, you appear to be having a lovely relaxing week. We had a holiday there when my oldest son was one. Unfortunately we were limited where we could walk due to the foot and mouth outbreak at the time, we would like to return. Thank you for the beautiful images. x

  9. That looks beautiful! It seems as though you had a lovely time.

  10. What a feel good post Christina, good to see you out and about and enjoying sewing company. Jo x

  11. It sounds like you have had a wonderful time with your friend. Sometimes those 'at home' holidays can be the best way to recharge the batteries. Conic Hill is such a beautiful place for a walk, I'm glad you enjoyed it. xx Susan

  12. What a lovely post! I'm glad you've had a nice week, lovely photos too.

  13. You truly do have some fabulous countryside to enjoy there. Our kids still have 3 weeks until school starts but they're already excited about seeing their chums again. Enjoy your weekend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. great pictures and sounds like a lovely week.

  15. Glad you had such a lovely week and such a good visit from your friend. It's nice when things leave you feeling positive about life isn't it. I'm in a bit of a grump about school uniform - the school has changed it this year, so I have to throw away two perfectly good sets of uniform and buy two completely new lots. CROSS! I like to pass things on as well, and it's cost a fortune to buy all new, trousers, blazers, shirts, every single thing changed. Grr. Hope you have a good weekend. CJ xx

  16. Sometimes holidays at home are just as good as going away. I'm pleased you enjoyed your week and you certainly deserved the break. Good to get away from the computer too. I have a couple more weeks until school begins again though no longer need to plan for Kate since she's all finished with school. Xx

  17. What a lovely place to hike Christina! I have been feeling cramped here in our Pennsylvania woods - the wide open views are beautiful.

  18. What great views you and your friend Ursula enjoyed, Christina. It is great to be able to see friends and do things together or simply to do nothing at all. I'm not quite sure i could manage those uphill climbs, but glad you did them for all of us! Hope all the school preparations work out well.

  19. So glad you had a wonderful time with your friend. I am not sure what I would do without mine. School starts for us next week, I have all the supplies, new clothes and am ready to go. Hope Little Buddy's new teacher is ready for him!

  20. How lovely you were able to share beautiful days with your friend, Ursula. All that huffing and puffing was certainly worth it, if the photos of the views are anything to go by. So the Summer holidays are now at an end and the busyness begins again. 'Tis a pity holidays must end.

  21. Such amazing scenery, thank goodness for waterproofs eh? !

  22. How lovely to spend a week with your friend like that. It sounds like you had a wonderful time x

  23. Stunning scenery,what a wonderful way to spend time with a dear friend.Glad to see Jack looking so well.Our kids have only just finished for the holidays a couple of weeks ago not back till September.xx

  24. Sounds like a lovely week and it looks like it too.

  25. Looks like a good week.. what gorgeous photographs.


  26. Beautiful scenery, and it sounds like a lovely week too! x


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