on a cold Tuesday evening

Unbelievably it is Tuesday already. I am not entirely sure what happened to the past two days. They must have happened. I am sure of it. This week is my second most tiring week at work all year. I'll be glad when it is over. I don't actually do much but I have to be present and troubleshoot  when necessary all day long, into the evening. I went out for dinner twice, for lunch three times. in the past three days... all part of work. 

On Sunday, we took a visiting lecturer for a hike. It was a bit of a gamble, taking someone we have never met out to the muddy countryside but the dog needed a walk and we did, too. It turned out to be just fine, our visitor enjoyed the hike, which was not overly strenuous. It was a good if somewhat unusual way to get to know someone. The usually stunning views on this walk were shrouded in clouds but I enjoyed it all the same. 

I got home today only to find no running water and an ominous smell of decay in the utility room. Not a good combination. We couldn't find anything dead in the utility and have decided that the door will remain closed until the stench dissipates (ever so optimistic). The water has been off since lunch time, the toilets are not flushed and the nearby shops have sold off al their water stock. Ah well, at least the heating is working, it is freezing cold. 

I am afraid I have absolutely nothing else to share.... but I am hopeful for the rest of the week.

Wishing you all a good week.

Christina xx


  1. I hope your water is turned on soon. You've probably thought of this, but is your washing machine in the utility room? Could there be mildewing laundry inside? It's a terrible smell. We had the water shut off for a couple of days about five years ago when a main down the street broke open. The city dropped off gallon jugs of water on a street corner that you could take for the basic necessities at home, like handwashing. I took two jugs, trying to be considerate. I saw other people taking ten or fifteen on the first pass, which I thought was so selfish and wrong. It still bothers me to think about it. Your photos are beautiful today. I can tell it's cold and damp, but it looks like you all had a good walk anyway. Take care and hang in there.

  2. I hope you have water very soon Christina. It is not fun, especially with the mysterious smell. Stay warm.

  3. I hope you find the cause of the smell soon and get your water back. Very inconvenient for you all. I really admire anyone who still hikes when the weather is so miserable so well done on that.

  4. Our laundry room is in a dark little cellar.. so I can commiserate about smells. I hope yours gets a better aroma soon! And no water.. ugh. Let's hope that is fixed soon.. so you can flush! Don't work too hard.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Always good to walk and get to know someone at the same time :). Isnā€™t this week the one where people feel most sad after Christmas and new year? It can only get better! Not sure about the weather though. B x

  6. Sounds like the walk was a success, which is a bonus. Are there floorboards in the utility? Something could have died under the floorboards. That happened to us many years ago when we had an attached garage converted to my craft room. A rat had died under the floorboards, the smell was unbearable. Hope you get the water back soon.

  7. I hope the water issue didn't last too long ... or won't.

  8. Walking with someone you are not familiar with is a great way to share a conversation. NO water! Oh my - Good luck with that. One day, we will go for a walk together. Jo xxx

  9. What a pain, I hope your water is back on very soon. The walk sounds lovely, like Jo says, a great way to get to know someone, and always great for the spirits. I would be thrilled to go for a walk in new territory. I hope the rest of your week isn't too manic. Hang on in there my friend. CJ xx

  10. They closed our only road into town today, a gas leak. Always something. I find water the hardest to do without.

  11. Hello Christina
    I have mentioned you on my blog - please let me know if you are not happy about this.
    Susan (SpinningStreak)

  12. First, the boys didn't look very enthused about a winter's walk. And I wondered if this was the one that your guest lecturer also took as you said she enjoyed it. Hope the water issue and smells are resolved by the next time you post...and sooner.


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