moments of pure enjoyment

I am spinning through life like figure skater - never still, always going round and round and sometimes falling over and hitting my bum (because I am not that good). I am finding it really difficult at the moment to make time for the children, those that need my time at least. We are paying others to care for them after school, evenings can be hectic with clubs and more work and come the weekend, I am just relieved that they want to play outside with their friends. I feel terrible because we haven't read a book together in a long time, nor have we played games. I am a bit removed from what is happening at school, too. Annie and Sam do homework with the boys on their big sister/brother after school care days. We should probably send Sam or Annie to future parent nights, they are better placed to discuss their siblings progress than either Richard or I.

At the same time, I enjoy my work and I think I am finally getting somewhere I like to be. The money is useful, too. Teenagers are expensive and our leaking shower room needs fixing (still haven't found that elusive Scottish plumber).

In between all, I always find a few minutes to enjoy the moment. Actually, minutes sometimes are two hours, particularly in the evening when all is quiet.

Here some of my favourite enjoyable moments of last week

:: Jack and I sharing the sofa on a Saturday afternoon and letting the sun warm our faces. We both love this and because the sun doesn't shine that often, it is a special treat.

:: Sinking into my bed at night, pulling the duvet right up to my chin and listening to a radio programme (the podcast versions).

:: Pampering my orchids. I have repotted four and hope they'll take to their new bark. My poor orchids suffered from neglect this winter. Still, they keep on giving. Most of my 15 orchids flower year after year, even the more unusual ones. I treated them to orchid mist, which I have never done before. I might treat myself to a new plant at the orchid fair this spring, replacing the one that I neglected just a bit too much.

:: Sorting through my box of sewing patterns. Some I had completely forgotten about, some were unopened and unloved. Our local charity shop will be pleased I hope. Tidying fun things can be rather therapeutic. I don't think tidying the sock drawer would have quite the same effect.

:: Rummaging through my box of tangled up jewellery (none of them Chanel, CJ). I rediscovered some well loved treasure, including my granny's diamond ring and my very first ear rings. These are tiny forget me nots on gold hoops. I had my ears pierced very young. There is very little of value, other than sentimental but I enjoyed seeing what I have.

How about you? Any favourite moments that you would like to share? Thanks for stopping by, it is good to see you. Have a good weekend all xx


  1. One of my greatest pleasures is knowing it is the small things among the crazy that keeps me sane. I ordered a magazine and it arrived this week. It’s called Uppercase. It’s been around for a while but I’ve never bought one. I am throughly enjoying it. It’s given my slightly waning creativity a bit of a boost. I still have my first pair of earrings too. 😁

  2. Ah that elusive place for a woman to enjoy work, have some money and play games with her children - that is a tough one. I will have the children helping me to fill a skip tomorrow, maybe I can make it into a game??? Jo xx

  3. Pink blossom against blue sky - one of my favourite sights, along with yellow rape against a stormy sky. I'm very impressed with your orchid success. I've been given a couple over the years but, sadly, don't have the knack. I can do a good spider plant though :0) . xx

  4. My favorite time of the day is early morning, watching the sunrise with a warm cup of coffee, enjoying the sight as the warmth of the cup warms my hands and the steam and aroma tickle my nose with delight.

  5. What, no Chanel?! Glad you found some treasure though. It's hard to have enough time to do the whole career and parenting thing isn't it. I've got work coming in that means I'll have less time, and I'm wondering how the Easter hols will work. Guilt, always guilt! I'm glad your work is going well and you enjoy it, it's good when that happens. Have a lovely Sunday. CJ xx

  6. Its hard juggling everything but as they get older they really do appreciate the 'extras' that they had. The trips away and quality time they did have. Don't beat yourself up. I am thrilled with the little coat I made for my Granddaughter.

  7. Love the dog and tulip pic. My happy moment of a rather sick week was to get out for breakfast and a drive yesterday (just posted).

  8. Being a mother is tough business. I am always feeling I am lacking in that department. When my older two were young I was home with them, not with Little Buddy though, I work like a maniac now. Which means he is in the care of his sitter two afternoons a week, but he is loved and well cared for. And frankly we are not at a point in our lives where we can be free of my salary so that is just the way it is. Be easy on yourself. You are doing a wonderful job my friend.

  9. I hope you had a relaxing weekend Christina.
    Those little moments of peace and joy are invaluable when you are busy.

    I can never grow orchids. They always die because either I forget to water them for weeks, or water too much.

  10. Arh Jack, handsome guy. Just catching up a bit on blog reading. Have a good week, Cathy x

  11. My moment of joy is finding I can get you on Bloglovin' as somehow I never seem to get around here as often as I'd like! I'm glad you are an orchid lover too, I seem to have killed most of ours that we had inside, they don't like air con I've discovered duh!
    Keeping up the skating, from where I read you've just landed the quadruple axil something or other and it's a 10 points from me!
    Love Wren xx

  12. I’m glad work enjoyment has improved. Why do parents always feel guilty about something? Everything could be perfect and still we’d fret. Love that pic of Jack. I am hopeless with orchids! Have you done any more running lately? Xx

  13. Finding a good read has become very enjoyable the past few weeks, especially when it makes me slow down and relax. My days are not as hectic as yours, Christina, but time alone is treasured. Also, being able to get outdoors more now that the weather is slowly improving is another joy. Glad to read the chikdren and the orchids are doing well.

  14. Rather sadly, I find that even tidying my sock drawer can be therapeutic!


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