a weekend well spent

the least muddy part of the run

How the time flies. To be honest, I have been a bit miserable, a hacking cough, a low fever and headache turned the last ten days into a bit of a slog. I worked at home so I wouldn't pass my cough to my office mate and I could catnap in front of the fire. I don't have much of a backlog because I tend to work more efficiently at home. I am much better now.

To cheer myself up I did something mildly crazy on Friday. I had the most radical haircut I can remember in donkey's years. Without taking out the measuring tape, I am fairly certain my hair is shorter than Richard's. This drastic measure left not a single strand of coloured hair and for the first time since my early twenties, my hair colour is my own. It is all shades of mouse and white, depending on where you look. Who'd have thought. I like both colour and shortness. I might pop out to buy a pair of funky ear rings now that they can be seen.

On Saturday James and I drove up to Falkirk for the Scottish Cross Country Nationals. The drive was challenging with the high winds, snow and rain. There were also short moments of such strong sun light that I could barely see. Don't laugh but I actually packed an extra bag with a quilt, additional clothes and plenty to drink because I had a vision of us stranded on the M80 somewhere in the middle of nowhere, snowed in. We also had a banana, a mars bar and two cereal bars and snow chains in the boot. With just a few miles to go we were met with a flooded road that was impassable. The nice lady on Google maps eventually agreed to give us an alternative route although she was a bit reluctant, insisting we go through the water. We made it to the venue just in time for us to find the club tent and get timing chip and number. James nearly chickened out on the starting line but trotted off with a what seemed like hundreds of little boys wearing far too little for the weather. He was the only boy from his training pack, all the other under 13s are more experienced runners and are in the endurance pack. They are fast wee runners, most came in very near the front and as a team, the under 13s took second place. James took it gently and finished way back. I am a very proud mum because he ran without support from his own pack and finished without falling, losing a shoe, or vomiting. Always a bonus. 3.2 km through partially flooded park land and ankle deep mud is quite something. I was very grateful to have a club tent to get James changed into warm and dry clothes. I myself was wrapped in my down coat, waterproof trousers, wellies hats and mitts. The drive home was not pleasant but we did not after all need our emergency pack.

Meanwhile the rest of the family remained indoors, cosy and dry.

Sunday we slept long, it was quiet outside for the first time in about a week. No winds howling and no rain and hail battering the windows. Unbelievably, there was even blue sky and sun. What a difference this makes. I enjoyed an hour of sewing, did some chores and met a friend for a dog walk. It was lovely, not a single drop of rain. Later I went for my run. It was a most enjoyable day. To make it better still, Annie and her army of little boy helpers folded and tidied all the children's laundry (she puts mine and Richards stuff in separate blue Ikea bags for us to sort out) and did an online grocery shop based on her menu plans for the week.

In other news, after having been informed by Annie last week that my parenting skills are just barely adequate my status has been elevated to slightly above adequate today. What more can I ask for?

On that note, I am off to bed. Thanks for visiting.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better now. I've come to the conclusion February is the month for being ill in this house.
    Well done to James for completing his run and in difficult conditions too. I'm not surprised you feel proud. And congratulations to you too on your new parenting status 😉 #winning.

  2. I’m glad you are feeling better.
    Don’t we get to see your new haircut? 😊

  3. Congratulations to James for finishing his run. I think I would have liked to be cosy and dry indoors too looking at all that mud! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Do we get to see the new 'do? xx Susan

  4. You were smart to be so prepared for the weather. Glad to hear that your son made it through the race. It sure helps to have warm woolies to wear when you are outside in the cold.

  5. I think you deserve a medal for being there for your son and he deserves a ribbon for making it through the race. Let's hope Spring comes quickly. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Well done to James. Quite an achievement in those conditions. I look forward to seeing the haircut. Hopefully you are feeling better. B x

  7. Of course we want to see the haircut! Congrats to your son! and to you for getting him there!

  8. It is so great that he does this although he is not, apparently, one of the elite runners.

  9. I must admit that reading about the weather and road obstacles would have deterred me from going to that race, but you and James were both determined and kudos to you and him. The photos truly showed a miserable day, but glad you were both safe and the run was done. Please do show the new “do” in a future post, Christina. Glad you are feeling better.

  10. Above adequate, this is an attainment I can only dream of, congratulations. Well done to James, what a star, and you of course for venturing out into the wild weather. He is looking very grown up all of a sudden you know. Also well done on the haircut. I quite often think about doing something similar. Love the photo of Jack, he has the right idea. CJ xx

  11. Hello, you do know your mouse and white haircut is definitely on trend in the Year of the Rat!
    I'm not so sure about the Year of the Rat - the sign of new beginnings seems to also have rains and floods your way, bushfires and heatwaves in Australia and coronavirus everywhere! So good job you're not here with that cough, as you would be put into isolation!!!
    Well done on coping with it all with slightly above average parenting skills - we Mums have to enjoy all the praise we can get!
    As always have loved your refreshingly honest approach and hope you feel better soon OR if it all gets to much say you have the virus and put yourself into isolation in your sewing room and ask the kids to leave your food on a tray outside the door, like on the cruise ship!!! Wot a laugh
    Love Wren xx

  12. I am generally happy with 'adequate' Consider it a bonus! Really looking forward to seeing your hair and definitely go and buy some outrageously colourful earrings. Your boy is a trooper. Well done Him. Jo xx

  13. You do make me laugh... fancy being rated on your parenting skills by your daughter. Adequate sounds pretty good to me! Well done James... what a star! Brilliant achievement. Looking forward to seeing your hair. Getting back to my natural colour was so liberating!

  14. Glad to know you are feeling better, sometimes we need a break from work and rest for a while to be more productive and back to action. I believe you had a great weekend!!!! James good job you did it!!! Mumma’s strong boy !!!Pat pat. Proud of you James!!! I would love to see your new haircut Chrisy. Check out the few wedding photographs http://www.bloghasting.com.

  15. Time definitely flies. It is not easy to slow down things in a fast paced life. The pictures have captured the essence of your life beautifully. It is great to hear that you are doing well. Parenting is never an easy task. All of us go through tough times. Listen to music to bring down stress. Got my training from a Music Institute Coimbatore .


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