April ... ing

I forgot it was April already. In my mind, it is still March. Thanks Jo for reminding me πŸ™‚. Days and time are far less relevant if there are no daily landmarks, like running club or scouts, or book group. I still have deadlines but the dates are pretty meaningless, my computer just reminds me that something is due in one day, or two days which could be any day really.

Watching the garden wake-up. Richard did a big tidy at the top of our garden and made a raised bed with James' help. They filled it up with sifted soil from the vegetable patch with plenty of compost mixed in. Jack tried to sneak into our compost bin, he loves rolling in it. There is enough wood left for a second raised bed. Richard managed to order seeds, hopefully these arrive before September. If not, we'll have lots of rhubarb, artichokes and raspberries, and some lettuce.

Practicing free motion quilting with my sewing machine. It is tricky to coordinate hands with the foot on the pedal and I am not very good at it yet. I am making small quilt sandwiches with wadding remnants and unloved pieces of fabric.

Knitting a few rounds every day. I like to sit on the front steps, a sun trap that allows me to watch the world go by. There is a flock of sparrows that is fun to observe and every now and then

Keeping on top of the laundry. There is always a first. One of the advantages of staying in is that we essentially live in what with kindness can be described as loungewear.

Eating too much. Alistair cooked a most delicious pasta bake the other day and Richard makes beautiful bread whenever we are able to get hold of bread flour. We'll be the size of a blue whale by the time normal routines return.

Stitching one little heart to a square of fabric most days. It is quite enjoyable although I am not entirely satisfied with my skills to sew the concave curve at the top of the heart. I am not sure how close to the stitching line I should cut the fabric. I was going to make one for each day we are in lockdown but I am too just now and I am a few days behind.

Suffering through my second ear infection this year. It is pure agony and even sounds hurt, and it is itchy and my ear canal is swollen shut.  I didn't wait 10 days to make a doctors appointment this time.... it was the quickest appointment ever, from calling up the surgery to cycling home with my prescription it was just over an hour. Now I am on a course of antibiotics that messes with my lockdown grazing (it needs to be taken on an empty stomach). So far no improvement and I am maxed out on pain medication. I am feeling sorry for myself.

Clearing out my desk drawers. The top one didn't close properly for 8 months but now that all is tidy, it does again. It was a couple of hours well spent. I didn't sort through the folder of bank statements, pension and Union letters though, that was a step too far. It lives in the bottom drawer and I like to ignore it.

Enjoying my daily exercise. I either walk with one of the children or go for a run. I can now comfortably run 45 minutes. Although of course as I am writing this I feel far too sorry for myself to even consider a run.

Feeling proud of my oldest, who despite losing his job and struggling to cover his rent kept his weekly direct debit donation to Shelter going until he found another job.

Working too many long hours.  One week to go before my two next courses go live.

Choosing a garden bench. I asked Richard if I could have one for my 50th Birthday, which is soon. I am not sure if it is actually possible to buy one and it does feel a bit frivolous just now but I can dream.

Playing games with two reluctant boys. Not my most successful parenting moment.

Sneaking in a cream egg or two.

Chatting with my lovely friend during a chance encounter while walking Jack. It is a bit weird really, chatting with a safe distance between us. It was good to see a smily person that didn't turn away or pull a scarf up. That makes me really quite sad.

So, that's April. Life is quite normal in my small corner of the world and I am grateful for that. How are you in your own small corners of the world? Thank you for visiting. Take care x


  1. Much of the same here, including new raised beds and emptying the compost bin, meeting friends on dog walks and not enough bread flour. Rhubarb is on my garden shopping list, I lost a plant a few years ago and never replaced it, but it is such a joy at this time of year. I'm sorry to hear about your ear, I hope it improves very soon, it sounds like absolute agony. Fingers crossed the medicine kicks in now. I hope you have a good Easter break, although I know what you mean about all the days blurring together. CJ xx

  2. Your rhubarb looks fantastic! Mine is straggly in comparison. I hope the stalks will get larger, in time. That's great that you got a to chat with a friend. We're all kind of paranoid on our walks here, too. This virus is so contagious. Enjoy your baking. I have an apple crisp in the oven right now.

  3. Life goes on here too, Christina, and we are also doing home cooking and a bit more baking, but are making sure to share the treats. The self-isolation is not too stressful for us, but we do miss the ability to chat with folks, but everyone in the mill apt complex is being as careful as possible (at least most folks). We have been able to get flour, which is sometimes still in limited supply.

  4. It sounds like you're doing pretty good dealing with the new world order. We are also trying to make the best of it. It does help that we have been retired for many years. The hard part is giving up my volunteering and attending my group meetings. The worst is not being able to spend time with my grandsons. Hang in there! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤ Happy Easter! ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤

  5. Hi Christina

    Sorry to hear your suffering with an ear infection. I've had those in the past and oh boy they are painful. Nice to read that everyone is staying safe. The world is a very strange place at the moment but your lovely photographs reminds me there is some normality out there somewhere. Hope you are better soon.


  6. Your photographs are lovely, Christina and the pasta bake looks so delicious. I haven't been able to get hold of any bread flour for a few weeks now, so I'm missing my home baked loaves.
    I hope your ear infection clears up soon. X

  7. great photos as always, were planning on some raised beds but cant get anything to build them with at the moment, sorry to hear you've an ear infection again, hope it clears soon.

  8. I think you're allowed to feel sorry for yourself when you're in pain. Hopefully, the medication will work its magic and you'll feel better soon. Alistair's pasta dish looks delicious. I'd love to eat food that I haven't cooked myself but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. I've also been giving the drawers stuffed with various paperwork a wide berth. Maybe next week. Take care.

  9. Stunning photographs. So sorry to read about your ear infection I know how painful that can be, hope the antibiotics kick in and clear it up soon. A bench sounds like a wonderful Birthday gift. Stay safe.

  10. Poor you with your ear infection,hope the antibiotics start to work their magic soon!

  11. Sorry about the earache, but things seem to be going well enough for you generally.

    I am not sure how flowers and gardening will go this spring as only essential shopping can be done, and we aren't shopping for ourselves anyway. But we have at least a month to go before our season begins, so who knows.

  12. Bless your heart and your swollen ear, too. Hope the pain has subsided and you are feeling much better now. Stay safe.

  13. Lovely to read about your corner of the world. Mine has changed drastically with no work to give structure to my day but I’m finding plenty to keep me busy and am starting to enjoy not having deadlines. I hope your ear gets better soon... it sounds horrid! Happy Easter!

  14. Great post Christina. I have an ingrowing toe nail that is hot, red and itchy right now but am hoping it will go away??? I have never had ear trouble but I know it can make you very miserable, hope that clears up soon. The photo of your garden certainly illustrates your challenging terrain, gosh it is on a slope more than I imagined. Happy knitting and sewing. Stay safe my friend. Jo xx

  15. Hope you're feeling better! I never had earaches but my children had plenty of it. Is your dog a corgi? My husband wants a dog when we retire, we would love a short hair, relatively small dog someday. A garden bench is a lovely idea! Have a peaceful week!

    1. Hi Angela. Jack is a Jack Russell but he appears to have Corgi legs... We love Jack Russells, they are fun and clever.

    2. Thanks for reply Christina!


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