the colour of mud

I was a funny old week with very little happening. I can't really think of anything to share that would be remotely interesting. The weather is properly miserable, as it often is at this time of year. The exception was Thursday, when there was some much needed sunshine. Not even Jack is keen to spend time outside and when he does go out, he comes back covered in mud and shivering. It is quite funny, he is all excited about walking until he actually steps out. Then he sits down and I can see in his eyes that he is wondering how to best get in touch with the dog rescue service. The colours are now properly wintery, various shades of mud. There are some pops of bright colour left, rose hip and red berries for example but the good old trusty Rudbeckia is now starting to look a bit fed up. 

I got a bit lost on my last jog, so much so that I had to ask for directions. In a neighbourhood that I am familiar with.... bungalow central in the dark with wandering thoughts - not a good combination. How embarrassing. I could not make sense of the Google map on my phone, not even with my reading glasses on. I found those dangling from my neckline... double embarrassment, who goes running with their reading glasses!? I don't enjoy particularly my runs right now, my ankle is still sore, eight weeks after falling. I don't enjoy walking either, the pain is comparable. Some of those running injuries take ages to heal but I am starting physiotherapy tomorrow, there is hope. I am so glad physio therapy is an essential service.

In other exciting news, I went out to Tescos to buy an advent calendar for Sam and one for his flatmate, too. I did this before the new restrictions came into force just in case frivolous things like advent calendars are cordoned off from the essential food isles. 

I took Friday off, knowing that the time spent on the sofa would come to bite me on Monday. I have 13 days of annual leave left, not counting the set holidays over Christmas and New Year, which adds another 7 days. There is no way I can use it up. Our employer has been very generous with additional leave days as a thank you for working our socks off to make studying at university a good experience even in pandemic times. It is a worthless gesture because it is difficult take regular leave with nobody to pick up the slack. 

Anyway, on my day off I made blackberry jelly and crabapple jelly, with fruit foraged and picked earlier this autumn. Both jellies have a mean wobble, just perfect if I say so myself. The colour is also delightful. I love it on a slice of richly buttered bread. I watched Nigella Lawson double butter her toast the other day. Isn't she just fabulous? She also made a scrumptious fried chicken sandwich that I would love to make for myself. It would make a welcome change from my current go to lunch, two pieces of bread with a spoon of mayo and slices of cucumber and tomato. Did I ever mention here that I am unable to cut a straight slice of bread? I have many talents but this is not one of them. It drives Richard potty. He straightens the loaf up but doesn't eat the wonky piece!

I also finished sewing my coat. It is gorgeous and I can't wait to wear it. The coat is of course completely unsuitable for the Scottish weather, which requires fully waterproof GoreTex clothing or double layers of black bin liners, not coats made with beautiful wool. My weather app promises a few hours of sunny spells on Wednesday, I'll take some photos then. 

Right, I have to complete the physio therapy health check questionnaire now. Thanks for visiting xx


  1. Seems like lots of us are in that 'nothing much happening' space but thats ok. I do hope the physio helps with your ankle and that you are able to get back to enjoying your running again.Heres to a sunny or at least a bit of dry weather this week so you can show off your fab new coat and take lots of photos x

  2. I often get lost in my own neighborhood, especially in the dark. We’ve lived here sixteen years. I get lost lots of places, eventually I get where I want to go. I can wait to see the pictures of your new coat. We haven’t needed our heavy coats. I hope we get more than a dusting of snow this winter.

  3. You've made me smile Christina, you will need to check the weather and carefully schedule in the coat-wearing. Also the reading-glasses while running and being lost. I do hope your ankle improves soon. And yes to double-buttering, I had no idea there was technique to it. I am shocking when it comes to butter and cream. CJ xx

  4. I meant to add, maybe you need a new bread knife. I bought one a couple of years ago and it has transformed bread cutting for me. I had no idea how blunt the other one was until I got the new one.We call it the Bread Knife Of Death. CJ xx

  5. You make me feel guilty as you are always so busy and productive! I have to bump up my activity level a bit! thanks for sharing!

  6. I do hope the foot improves soon and that the physio session will help. Really looking forward to seeing the coat. I did smile at you getting lost and your comments about the glasses, such an uplifting post.

  7. You say you can’t think of anything to say that is remotely interesting but your posts are always interesting and always make me smile.... especially the thought of you running in your reading glasses! I do hope your ankle heals soon and i’m Looking forward to seeing your coat. Have a good week x

  8. Well.. you really need to model your new coat for us! Our dog Mocha also wants to go out and then once out she seems to not like the cold and rain. Maybe you started running again before your ankle was healed enough? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. I don't do so well with bread either. I have a woman who is better at it. The bread slicing machine in the grocery store has been removed, but I have seen an effort to pre-slice more breads than previously.

    Blogging ideas become more difficult to find in winter. I think that I have an idea for today. I should get at it.

  10. I look forward to seeing the coat, I know what you mean though as I often see lovely coat patterns but I need my many layered thick coat on in the winter. Dress coats are lovely to look at but not as warm or waterproof as a walking coat for example. You will have to keep it for dry days as you said. My Jack Russels are also disgusted with being walked in wet weather too, but in all honesty so am I! Take care. x

  11. I take my reading glasses with me everywhere! You made me chuckle about getting lost. I can totally relate. Good thing people were kind enough to help you. I look forward to seeing you coat. I hope your ankle heals. It sounds painful.

  12. Hi Christina, posting about day-to-life is fine and that's OK as many of us are in the same predicament, no matter where we live. I also need reading glasses, but on the days when I don't want them I use a single contact lens. Cataract surgery gave me distance vision, but not near vision and a single contact remedies that. Hopefully you will be able to wear you completed coat and it will be great to see it. As for bread cutting, I never get it straight especially when cutting it before fully cooled.

  13. I loved your nothing ever happens here post. The ebb and flow of your life. Your running with your reading glasses made me smile, I am glad you found someone to direct you home. I am sorry to hear that your ankle is still sore, that sounds painful. I do hope the physio helps with that. Hope you are having a good week x


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