Lazy Sunday

As I start typing this post, I am sitting on the sofa in the bay window, warmed by the late afternoon sun. It is the most relaxed I felt in a while. I am knitting but decided to take a short break after the first pattern repeat of a new pair of socks. Might shout out for a coffee and see what happens (as it transpires, nothing). 

In the morning, I went for a walk with my best dog walking buddy. A brisk walk with a friend is good for the soul. It was very cold and all is frozen over but the paths are ok because it was dry for a couple of days before temperatures returned to below freezing. Because it was quite early for a Sunday, it wasn't terribly busy, just a few die hard joggers and dog walkers. 

My brand-new bright green hat had its virgin outing. I knitted it with a half brioche stitch, which is very stretchy. I wanted one of those furry pompons to finish it off but it seemed a bit silly to order just one pompom. Non-essential shops that might sell pompons are of course closed. My solution? Cut the pompom of an old worn-out unloved hat. 

We now have a bird nesting box in the garden. It is in full view of my office space and I hope there will be some nesting activity this year. The box is mounted high on our garage wall, which is almost covered in rambling roses over the summer. This hopefully provides some protection for the fledglings. The garage is a the very top of our steep terraced garden, so far away from the house for shy species. I am hoping for blue tits. 

The children are struggling a bit. The continued isolation is getting to them I think. Annie in particular really needs to let her hair down and have a big party with lots of friends. Alas, it is not going to happen anytime soon. The most exciting thing she can do is go for walks with one friend a the time. There is a two person limit for outdoor recreation and exercise. We are lucky to have lots of open spaces in Glasgow, woodlands and riverwalks right on our doorstep. A blessing really because just now we can't travel far into the countryside as we can't travel further than five miles outside our council boundary. All a bit of a pain but I'd rather have that than ever increasing deaths from Covid. 

I completed the first week of my running programme. I am literally starting from the beginning and I am not going to lie, it is very hard. 

I have a busy work week ahead but I just looked at my diary and Friday seems clear. I am tempted to take the day off but will have to see how tomorrow goes. I noticed four new assignments on Alistair's school iPad when I plugged it in to charge and it is not even Monday yet.... 

I can smell dinner, best to finish up here and check out what is happening in the kitchen. Have a good week everyone! 


  1. Love your new hat!

    It sounds like you have very strict COVID rules in your area. Stay safe, Christina. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. I'm glad you have intelligent leadership and you've kept your cases down. I'm sure you've heard that our ex-idiot leader told us all it was a hoax and refused to wear a mask so half the country bowed to his lies and refused to wear masks and now our countrymen are dropping like flies. Wonderful hat! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Glad you were able to enjoy a little downtime. Love the hat, such a gorgeous colour. I made a beanie hat for youngest in darkest grey although I’m not sure he’s worn it as it hasn’t been that cold. Lovely photos of the frost. I think we’ll all be glad when normal life resumes. Have a good week. B x

  4. Lovely new hat, and well done on the reused pompom. Good luck with the next box. We have had great tits and blue tits in ours, but only after three years or so. It's so lovely to see them popping in and out, working so hard to feed their chicks all day long. Have a good week my friend. CJ xx

  5. Your frosty pictures are lovely Christina. We are venturing out once a day for our exercise walk or the essential shopping trip but otherwise life is pootling along as best as it can.
    Great hat, love the colour x

  6. Snowdrops. I am only aware of having seen them once in my life -- at my dad's place.

  7. It’s so hard on the youngsters having to sta6 home etc but let’s hope things will improve soon. I cherish walks with a friend at the moment. I like your new hat... I really must knit myself a hat although it might be next year before I wear it at this rate!

  8. Sounds like you had a really nice relaxing Sunday. My Saturday was a bit like that and it was nice. On Sunday, I decided to clean the bathrooms - never fun, but so nice to walk into a fresh, clean bathroom afterwards. I love your green hat! It's my favorite color. Hope you have a great week!

  9. I love your hat the colour is super. It was a great idea reusing a pom pom you already had, I looked at those too but couldn't justify buying a pack of fury ones when I only needed one. x

  10. Your knitting looks so pretty. I need to get back on a knitting schedule again.

  11. The calm before the storm I'd say. I love a slow Sunday, just to get a few small things done and get ready for a busy week. Hope you were indeed able to take Friday off. I feel for your kids and so many not at school. While Little B is at school, masks and distancing do not make it normal at all. Have a wonderful weekend.


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