February ...ing

This week, I have no accidents to report, or any other misfortunes. I enjoyed two days of peace and quiet when Richard and the boy teens went away to our favourite campsite (keeping cosy in a wooden wigwam). I loved the silence of the house, the calm. Not a dirty sock in sight. Bliss. They returned on Tuesday with a bang and a big pile of muddy clothes. So today, with peace and quiet being mere flicker of a memory, I give what has been keeping me busy in February

Casting off socks. Finally. I think I can say with confidence that my sock knitting season is over. 

Sewing a new quilt from 2.5 inch wide strips. Someone else's scraps, a departure from my comfort zone. It is going to be great. 

Also sewing a deep red long sleeved Cashmerette Stanway top with a soft, thick loopback jersey. I made a grey one earlier this year and loved the softness of the fabric so much, I wanted a second garment with the same fabric.

Working too much. 

Applying for promotion. The criteria are challenging but I am getting there. Slowly.

Enjoying my role as podcast host. I feel less self conscious now, some nice reader comments helped. 

Cursing the incontinent cat. We discovered that she loves a litter tray, which she uses a lot and messily so. We never used to have one but while Pippin is housebound we need one. At least she pees more often in the tray than elsewhere in the house.

Enjoying Annie's company. She is on half term break. Two of her university friends stayed over on Saturday and I enjoyed getting to know them. 

Cooking and eating middle eastern food - chicken shawarma served in flat bread with garlicky yogurt, salad and pomegranate seeds with a herby bulgur wheat salad with tomatoes and some more pomegranate seeds. Richard made delicious hummus for dipping pieces of flat bread..

Walking along the river Kelvin. It is wild. It is still stormy but intermittently so. I am a bit fed up of listening to the wind battering the house.

Feeling beyond excited - we booked flights to visit my godmother in Turkey in October. 

Realising that we need to organise new passports for the teen boys and deciding which nationality is more useful for them. I am glad they have the privilege of dual nationality. 

Listening to Entry Island by Peter May. I had forgotten what a great author Peter May is (thank you Barbara for the reminder). It is a murder mystery with a historical twist. I also listened to Coffin Road by the same author. Also very enjoyable. 

Feeling grateful for your visits 🙂

P.S. The podcast is called This Week in Parasitism. Not everybody's cup of tea, I realise that but listen to the very first one and learn why it is important and fun to learn about parasites


  1. I also loved Coffin Road. The audio books of his works are terrific.
    They are a great way to stitch or knit while giving the brain something else to do...unless its a really complicated pattern, then its just distracting!

  2. Your sewing is so beautiful as always. I hope you get the promotion and how exciting to book a holiday! That looks like a very high river, loved the little video, watching water flowing like that is mesmerising. Hope you have a good week which is not filled with working too much.

  3. I am loving both the colour and pattern of your socks Christina.
    Enjoy your time with Annie. I am certainly looking forward to having my own daughter home and we are making lots of plans together.
    Going away on holiday will be something to really look forward to and enjoy together.
    Good luck with the promotion.
    Have a good week x

  4. That's exciting! I have made some travel plans, too. I can't wait! Love your hand knit socks. They are so pretty. Congratulations on the podcast.

  5. Good luck with the promotion, and well done all the socks, they're brilliant. I love the new quilt as well, oblongs and squares are my absolute favourite. I always try to like all the fancy shapes, but something about the lovely right angles speaks to me. Lovely that Annie is back, I hope you have a good week. CJ xx

  6. Lovely socks 😀 Enjoy Annie. Enjoy travel planning 😀😀

  7. Good to hear about your February., Christina. We have Kate back for half term too - like a bit of girly company. Hope you get your promotion. I’ll check out the podcast. Xx Doris

  8. Love those socks and the patchwork. Glad that you had a couple of peaceful days, always good for sanity. Peter May is great and Entry Island definitely one of my favourites. Thanks for the mention and good luck with the promotion 🤞🏻B x

  9. Your sock beautiful knitting is something to aspire to, especially as I'm sat here with cold feet!
    I hope the storms abate for you soon. X

  10. I’m going to check out that author you mentioned. Murder mystety with a historical twist sounds right up my alley.

  11. Nice to read that you enjoyed some "me" time, Christina, including time spent with Annie and friends. You have knitted some colorful socks, my favorite clothing aside from cozy flannels. DO keep us informed of the promotion status and good luck too. It's great to feel excited about traveling to visit someone special. We just returned from a 3-week road trip and are already looking forward to a future one.

    After reading the recommendation from Barbara, I checked the local library for audio books or ebooks by Peter May, but alas, there is only one; however there are several hardcover books should I decide to read one that way in future.


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