maybe a goldfish?

Another week of veterinary drama. All three animals were seen by a veterinarian. I kid you not. In my next live, I will get a goldfish, or maybe stick insects.

Lupin had her scheduled bladder surgery, which was a complete success. Two large stones were extracted, plus lots of sandy material. The stones looked jaggy, like one of those homegrown crystals. The sutures are superb, all beneath the skin. The incision was very small, about 5 cm. A very talented surgeon was at work. No cone of shame. Lupin is expected to make a full recovery.

Jack ate the base of a large 400g Lindt chocolate bunny. These bunnies are most solid in their ears and bases....He must have eaten at least 100g of chocolate. At 1 am I should add. Sam (who was visiting) woke me up. Why Sam was eating chocolate in the middle of the night remains a mystery. I administered activated charcoal and called the out of hours vet for reassurance. Alas, none was forthcoming. Instead I was asked to take him in for induced vomiting. I got back home at 3 am. 

Pippin collapsed again. She had thorough examination, including a neurological assessment and nothing jumps out. She does have a heart murmur but that is not new. She seemed ok later that day but far from her normal self. She seems very weak on her legs and is unwilling to walk. The advice is to keep in eye on her and call the clinic if she is worse. I am mentally preparing for the worst while hoping for the best

Meanwhile, Richard is enjoying a week's cycling in Majorca. He needed this break and I am really happy that he was able to go. I've got some travel plans for later this summer, hoping to get away to Copenhagen for a conference.

Despite the veterinary drama, the boys and I had a good week. I was wearing my superwoman power suit all week. It needs a wash now and I'll pop it in the dryer in case I need to dash to the out of ours clinic with Pippin this weekend. But for now, I am chilling on the sofa. Later, I'll harvest some purple sprouting broccoli and cook a nice meal. 

Thanks for visiting 😊


  1. Oh that sounds like quite a week! I do hope all your wee beasties are ok soon, especially Pippin. Enjoy your chilling on the sofa it sounds like you need a lot of it.

  2. So glad that Lupin's surgery went well. Very sorry that Pippin still isn't well though, I hope whatever it is passes. Naughty Jack, they are shockers aren't they. Bertie is eating all sorts of rubbish that he finds on his walks at the moment, especially hairbands and elastic bands. The sad thing is that they don't even know. If only we could have a conversation with them. I bet the vet is very fond of you all though :) CJ xx

  3. Lovely photos Christina, I hope that your pets settle down, Vet bills are not for the faint hearted. My thoughts especially for Pippin to improve. I'm sorry that all the problems come at once. Take care, Cathy x

  4. Good grief what a week Christina!!!! May all go well over the weekend and week ahead. Majorca would be nice but I am not into bike riding lol Take care xoxo

  5. That’s a lot of pet drama and bills although I think you have said that you have insurance.

  6. Hi Christina, I haven’t commented before but wanted to note your mention of your ‘superwoman power suit’ - bravo. I have only one child plus husband and full time job but still, my suit requires some heavy duty washing some weeks. Easier said than done but take care of yourself. I really enjoy your blog.
    Karen near DC, USA

  7. Pets are like family members and when they are ailing, so are the human family members.


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