this week...

November November... not my favourite month. But it does bring Sam's birthday, which is cause to be happy and celebrate. He is 22 this year. Twenty two!

This week, our boiler broke. It did indeed. Fortunately, it was fixed in no time and we have hot water again.

This week, I was trying to book flights to Malawi. It is a long trip! Looking at the options, I can fly via Johannesburg with an overnight stay. It seems crazy to fly 3 hours south of my final destination, then back north again. Another option via Dubai means an extra 4 hours of flying time east and back west. And finally, the most efficient route is via Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Might need a transit visa for this route but it seems most practical. I'll decide next week.

This week, my head felt like it was stuffed with sticky cotton wool and my throat was sore. I was completely deaf on my left ear, probably fluid somewhere. Alistair was also sick, with a hacking cough and high fever. We both returned multiple negative Covid tests.  

This week, I feel like I feel like I want to pack it all in and become a hermit in a remote cave. Preferably one with central heating and other creature comforts. 

This week, Jack had surgery to remove a fractured tooth. How he fractured it remains a mystery but it is not poor oral health care as his remaining teeth are in excellent condition. He has stitches in his mouth and a prescription of tramadol to relieve the pain. The poor wee mite! He is still on soft food. He also had a thorough investigation of his right back leg to assess the damage caused by a not so recent adventure involving a squirrel and high walls. Nothing broken but he has been prescribed a strict six weeks rest to help with the healing. 

This week, we are continuing to encourage James to revise for his prelim exams. 

This week, I ate an entire bag of Quality Street. I felt a bit sick but I needed a chocolate hit so much, I didn't consider the consequences. 

This week, I baked a Christmas cake. It is maturing in a dark corner of the kitchen. Working from home is handy for such slow kitchen tasks.

This week James and Richard needed to get glasses. Too many choices..

This week, we went to the funeral service for the beloved daughter of old friends. She died suddenly at the age of 19. It was a beautiful service. The minister told stories from the young woman's life. We loved seeing photos projected onto the church walls, it was equally beautiful and sad. My heart is aching but I feel comforted in knowing that she was loved. She'll live on in our memories. 

This week is not quite over yet but it feels like it has lasted for a long time. Tomorrow, I will rest. 

Thank you for visiting 😊


  1. Hope your pup is on the mend soon. Our girl needs some dental work, well as a rescue we don't know her full background but the dogtor said it's going to be between $1100-2200! I'm like does that include doggie dentures?

  2. What a week.Hope next week is better.Barbarax

  3. Sounds like you are ready for the holidays already. How is it that some weeks are so exhausting especially at this time of year. Hope Jack is feeling better and I bet you loved the smell of Christmas cake cooking. Have a restful Sunday. B x

  4. I am sorry to hear that you have been unwell and the life is making you want to go hide in a cave. I hope you feel better soon and life turns into a place where caves are not so inviting. I cannot imagine going to the funeral of a 19 year that is so heart breaking, I cannot begin to imagine what is like for a parent.

  5. Novmber is very bleak here when the leaves have all fallen. But it has snowed, and that looks better. I do sincerely hope that it goes because this is very early to have it settle for the whole winter. It has been known to stay from mid-November into March but not usually.

  6. Oh poor Jack, I hope he is on the mend very soon. The second picture of him is particularly adorable, you have perfectly captured that after-the-vet's look. Sorry about your friends' loss, it's shocking to lose someone so young and very sad. I hope you are all better soon. CJ xx

  7. How sad for her to die so young. You sound busy and and happy. Enjoy that Christmas cake!

  8. Aww poor Jack- a sore mouth and enforced rest. I wonder what mischief he will be cooking up while he is recovering!
    Sometimes chocolate is the only answer and stopping at one or two pieces simply doesn't cut it does it :-)
    Condolences to you friends over their daughter. Such a sad loss.

  9. You have had quite the week, Christina, with illnesses, dog toothaches, sadly a funeral for one so young and happily a 🎂. Sometimes, it can hard to believe how fast children grow up! Chocolate is a delicious solution and I also would have been hard pressed to stop at a couple. Hope that the flights get sorted out.

  10. Christina you have such a lovely way of writing! Lovely to catch up. You bring life's rich tapestry including ups and downs, illness and sadness, birthday celebrations and travel planning to life. Yay for some holiday planning and a whole load of chocolates. Hope you feel better soon. Wren x

  11. What a week. No wonder you needed to eat a whole bag of sweeties! My JR terrier has twice damaged a back leg. Now aged 14 he last did it chasing a cat who had ventured into the garden. Vet said he might need an op but I kept him on short lead and no running for months. Healed well without the trauma of an operation and the £££££s that it would have cost!

  12. You have had quite the week, get some rest, it's important.

  13. you have had a week ! hope the next is better. Your trip to Malawi sounds fab! hope you get a route sorted.


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