October... what can I say

October... what can I say. I am not loving it so far. The weather has been awful, so bad indeed that Jack refused to leave the house on some days. If only I had that luxury! Last weekend was particularly wet. The poorly maintained drainage system in Glasgow didn't cope and on Saturday, the usual stretches of road flooded. I was on a mission to get supplies for the ravenous teenagers and I had booked my flu shot for Saturday evening. Against all recommendations, I had to go out. My clever detours to avoid the usual flood spots were not that clever, with a caravan stranded across two lanes on the dual carriageway. It was a "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" situation. You know, can't go over it, can't go under it, oh no, we've got to go through it... I also couldn't turn back because of traffic build up. I followed the car in front, getting on the elevated central reservation and slowly inching forward on the narrow strip, focusing on the distant shores. The elevation was also flooded but not as deep as the road. I tucked in mirrors to squeeze past a lamp post hoping not to drop of the ledge on the left side. Some larger cars were not as lucky. This was not the only questionable driving on that day but I'll spare you the detail. That was the most exciting event all week. 

Other than that, it is the usual mix of work, feeding teenagers and rescuing Jack when he gets stuck high up. I love that dog, warts and all. 

Thanks for visiting 😊


  1. Oh that sounds scary. We are the opposite here at the moment, no rain for a few weeks although it’s set to change tonight. Don’t blame Jack our pets have the best life! B x.

  2. That driving incident sounds scary, Christina. Beautiful autumn leaf pictures and cute one of Jack. I’m going to Scotland this weekend - hoping for better weather! X Doris

  3. What's with that weather? We are not doing too badly, but we are definitely getting on in autumn. I don't want it to end.

  4. Hope this week is less eventful xx

  5. It has been ok here for the first 10 days or so of October but now the rain is back. I haven't ventured down to the greenhouse today. If it is too wet for Jack who am I to argue. Hope it dries up for you soon x

  6. Much the same here. The rain last night was insane. Bertie is not as intrepid as Jack. A weekend of work ahead. I could do with a break to be honest. But I mustn't complain. Hope you have a lovely weekend. CJ xx

  7. Hi Christina, I don't envy you your weather. How scary to have to drive through flooded roads! I can't imagine having to do that, especially in my electric car! I like your Autumn leaf photos, they're very colourful. I can just imagine walking through them, crunching along. The Spring weather here is very changeable. In one day we had rain, hail, thunder, strong winds and then hot sun. I even got sunburnt when I was out in the garden! The temperature in the house at the moment is 23 degrees C and we have the windows open. I am even in Summer clothes already. I hope your floods dry up soon. Hugs, Rose x

  8. It's scary and stressful driving in that kind of weather. It's been sunny here, but the evenings and mornings are getting colder. I love the red and gold colors of fall. The leaves are changing up here in the mountains, too.

  9. It might make you feel better to know we are having the same (plus the added bonus of some snow) here in Tasmania, Australia, where it us SUPPOSED to be Spring. Hah.
    I love your dog. Jacks are so much fun, even (especially?) when they are naughty.

  10. Oh my that does sound like a tricky motoring manoeuvre. Absolutely love your jacko helping out there by teh sewing machine! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Jo xxx


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