It’s been a while

I have not posted in a while. I am just so tired. I want to apologise to all of my many favourite bloggers that I have been absent in your space, or have not commented. I know how much we all value comments and interaction. 

Things are trundling along just fine, on the whole. I finished planning, writing and recording another lecture. That’s 3 of 5, I am calling it a win. The first one is up on the virtual learning environment (VLE) for my brand new course, which starts on Monday. My e-learning specialist colleague made nice story from my slides, recording and transcript. I spent so much time making my slides fully accessible, with detailed alt-text descriptions for all figures, a clearly defined reading order and consistent formatting etc etc but it is so worth it because I know that students with disabilities, for example visual or hearing impairments, or students with dyslexia as as well as neurodiverse students are able enjoy my teaching as much all other students. This is a legal requirement actually but often ignored because we are all pressured for time. I do my best but I am sure I could do better still. The entire VLE is in excellent shape actually, after some superhuman efforts all week. I am ready, at least for the first week of learning. I am a bit OCD when it comes to running an online course - lots of signposting and communication, clear and consistent presentation, opportunities for meaningful interaction, and prompt feedback. No doubt this need to provide our students with a better than average learning experience contributes to my perennial exhaustion but having been on the receiving end of a poorly designed and poorly taught online MEd experience, I no how frustrating this can be for students. I also read three promotion applications of colleagues I value very much and hopefully provided good feedback. It was also podcasting Friday, so a late night. I am knackered.

I am solo parenting at the moment, Richard is in Colombia, lucky man! It is totally fine, the teens are low maintenance. James is rarely around these days, preferring to spend time at his girlfriend’s house, which is fine. I wonder if I need to contribute to their household budget?  He east there more often than here. Meanwhile Alistair and I have been eating well because I did a cheeky Waitrose online shop, delivered first thing on Monday morning, stocking up the larder on produce that Lidl doesn’t sell. There was a bit of an emergency actually in Lidl, where I get essentials. There was not a single pack of salami in sight. There wasn’t any in Sam’s local Lidl either. A salami shortage is not something I have ever considered but here we are. Something to think about for my apocalypse planning. 

Alistair had his first ever interview, for the only college course that he is not on a waiting list. Construction and joinery is very popular it appears. He was a nervous wreck and insisted I take him. We did a bit of preparatory work and Alistair wrote down notes on his phone, which he asked to be allowed to refer to if needed. That was fine but he didn’t need to in the end. He was shown around the workshops while being interviewed, which is very clever. I got a very good vibe of the college while I was waiting in the cafeteria. Also on our way in. Alistair went up to the reception desk to ask where to go and then he froze… but the receptionist was very kind and told him it was ok to be nervous and not worry and then gently pointed him in the right way. I really hope he gets a place but best not to have my hopes up. 

Annie also had an interview, the last of three for a graduate job. She thinks it didn’t go so well. She is working her way through a long spread sheet of jobs she has applied for, been to many assessment centres and done numerous online tests. She even interviewed while in New Zealand, getting up a silly hours. I think she is a bit frustrated and losing hope, which I understand because the graduate job market is fierce.

I am just back from a dog walk. Jack was very excited this morning, after refusing to leave the house yesterday. I can’t blame him, really. It was such a miserable day, blustery and windy. Soggy sock weather! I went for a walk on my own, and also walked to an exercise class. I didn’t quite achieve my daily minimum steps but looking at it over the year, this won’t make a huge dent in the average annual step count. Now I am drinking coffee and eating a slice of bread with nutella. Also watching the robot clean the floor. It is a bit squeaky today, maybe a wheel needs a bit of TLC. I thought I was very clever last week by sending it out to clean when I went to bed. It aborted the job soon after because it can’t clean in complete darkness. I didn’t think of this because it has a wee shiny headlight. To think it felt all lonely and a bit scared in the dark!

I might spend some time at my sewing machine today and might have to take James trainer shopping. The latter a bit of a chore… but he needs them. I could give him money but can’t trust him not to buy black trainers with bling on, or golden tassels or something. He likes a bit of bling. It doesn’t bother me at all but his school trainers have to be plain and ordinary. Wish me luck!


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