Sunday scaries

I am really happy to be back to volunteering. It makes me happy and provides free strength training. We are still clearing up storm damage but next time, we‘ll be fixing and expanding the fence around the newt pond, and we’ll expand the area to create a wet meadow. That‘s the plan anyway. 

So much litter to pick up, too. Mostly dog poo bags. Thrown by the kind human that sees themselves excempt from the normal conventions that make a community thrive. The kind of person that that shouts “Nobody can tell me what to do and if want to throw poo bags into the woods, I will and you can’t stop me”. Someone else can pick the s**t up after them. And we do.

I found another Finnish crime drama to watch, aptly named Helsinki Crimes. I love watching in original language, even if I don't understand a word. The annoying thing about finding a new TV drama is that without fail, there is a second season, sometimes a third one, on a different viewing platform, which of course requires a separate subscription. I am resisting.

For those of you wondering about the teens final school reports, one was as bad as expected, the other has mysteriously disappeared before we could read it. The teenager responsible for the disappearance did not consider we could request another copy. Parent’s night for both next week. I may need therapy afterwards, or a G&T. Although of course James took our gin to the canal for a session of underage drinking with a bunch likeminded pals. On a more positive note, Alistair has been invited for a college interview. Not his first choice course but it is a start. He has also started work experience in construction, every Monday up to June. 

My elderly podcast co-hosts died last week. He was in his mid-eighties and had been unwell for a few weeks. I will miss him very much, even though he was sometimes a bit unfiltered on air. He was so knowlegeable and experienced, I learned a lot from him. 

I finished another lecture, also one that has been brewing for a while. Three more to go, only one currently brewing. Sadly, science and evidence based teaching is going out of fashion rapidly, which is disheartening. If you know of a well paid job for a niche subject science educator, please get in touch. Failing that, I enjoy cleaning and generally doing whatever needs doing (see above, litter picking). CV on request. 

To soothe my tormented mind, I joined a ballet friend for a trial session of gyrotonics. No, I had not heard of it before either but I enjoyed it very much. I involved a lot of gentle stretching and circular movement and a torture device called the gyrotononic pulley combination system. I would love to do this weekly but it is far too expensive a hobby so maybe a once in a while special treat. 

And in other news, I cut into one of my South African fabrics to make a pair of pj bottoms, treated my feet to a hot soak and scrub and applied a new set of gel nail stickers to my freshly trimmed and oiled nails. Grey, to match the weather. 

And now, my friends, I need to address the Sunday scaries and focus on making myself a hot water bottle, brush my teeth and treat my thighs to their daily oestrogen rub. Thank you for visiting 😊


  1. Although fascinating, those tree growths remind me of the series, The Last of Us. Yikes.
    Yes indeed science is becoming a bit inconvenient for some in Canada, too. If only science proved karma would prove a reliable retribution for those those "exempt" dog poop folks. Sigh.

  2. We have watched some foreign series with subtitles, but they are really a last resort. Good luck with the family dynamics. As for poo bags, are there no receptacles near that area?

  3. Sending hugs as you navigate a parents' evening with your youngest two xx

  4. Sending hugs as you tackle all the teenage problems 'one at a time.'
    A lady at my knit & natter group repeated something that she heard on the radio... ref poo bags... rather than put it in a bag and dump it along a path (like you've found), it's better to just kick the poo just off the path! Would you believe it... it's obviously not advice, rather a cynical observation, however not helpful.
    Bag it, bin it remains the best advice surely!?
    Have a good week x

  5. The tree lichen resulted in very interesting photos, Christina. No surprises as far as the teens reports from what you hinted at in the previous post. Sorry to read about the passing of your fellow podcast mate.

  6. Good luck with the parents evening for James and Alistair. I hope it won't be too traumatic at least not more than you expect. Glad Alistair has an interview and hope his work experience proves a positive experience for him. I wish positive outcomes for James too.
    So selfish and and annoying when people won't deal with their pets waste appropriatly and leave it to others to clear up after them. You and the other volunteers do a great job to make your local area lovely for all to enjoy. Thank you.

  7. You would think that someone who bothers to purchase poo bags, then take the poo bags along with the dog on a walk, then actually use the poo bags for the correct purpose, would never throw them into the forest or hang the bag on a convenient branch..... I just don't understand it.


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